出版时间:2012-10 出版社:对外经贸大学出版社 作者:郝卓 编 页数:262 字数:393000
Unit 1 An Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain
Unit 2 Customer Service and Logistics
Unit 3 Purchasing and Supplier Management
Unit 4 JIT and Lean Production
Unit 5 Warehousing Management
Unit 6 Inventory Control
Unit 7 Logistics Simulation:The Beer Game
Unit 8 Packaging and Logistics
Unit 9 Transportation
Unit 10 Logistics Simulation:Milk-run Delivery
Unit 11 Logistics Costs Management
Unit 12 Third Party Logistics and Fourth Party Logistics
Unit 13 Global Logistics
Unit 14 Logistics Information Systems and E-commerce
Unit 15 Logistics Simulation:A Simplified ERP Run
Unit 16 Logistics and E-retailing
Unit 17 Reverse Logistics
Unit 18 Green Logistics
5) Supplier Partnership Supplier partnership is the long-term strategic partnership formulated through long-term cooperation between customers and suppliers. This relationship means both parties have common targets, and have to fight as one, thus they will optimize cooperation continuously for long-term cooperation. The most representative activity is that the supplier takes the initiative to participate in the product or business development of the customer, and the customer relies on the advantages brought by suppliers to enhance its competitiveness of product. 2. Establishing Partnership with a Supplier Supplier partnership is the highest level of collaboration between customers and their suppliers. It can be defined as a long-term collaboration between two parties based on mutual trust. Both parties work together towards a common and definite goal. Implementing asuccessful supplier partnership requires a high level of coordination and mutual trust between the two parties. It also requires both parties to share information, risks and technological innovations. Meanwhile, high-level leaders should render full support to it. The first step in establishing a supplier partnership is to receive support and commitment from high level management team of the company who should encourage purchasing department to establish supplier partnerships first, and then routine jobs can be done more rewardingly. To establish a supplier partnership should take the following procedures: First, the purchasing department should be able to analyze and classify products with related departments based on supply market research, and then refer to the customer positioning maps, formulate a supplier classification and choose its partners according to the predetermined requirements for its partnership suppliers. Next, according to its requirements for supplier partnership, the purchasing department should clarify specific objectives and evaluation indicator, and make plans in order to reach its goals. Related departments within the company should also contribute to these plans, and reach a consensus. Meanwhile, these plans and objectives should be accepted by suppliers, and signed by the representatives of both parties. ……