出版时间:2012-9 出版社:对外经贸大学出版社 作者:帅建林 页数:360 字数:543000
PART 1 Overview
Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade
1.1 Why Do Countries Trade?
1.2 HowlsInternationalTrade Measured?
Chapter 2 International Trade Policy
2.1 Import Tariff
2.2 Non-tariff Barriers to Imports
2.3 ExportTaxes
2.4 Export Subsidies
Chapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade Block
3.1 Trade Bloc
3.2 TradeBlock
Chapter 4 WTO:A Navigation Guide
4.1 Whatls WTO?
4.2 How Does It Work?
4.3 WTO:Objectives, Functions and Basic Principles
4.4 WTO Agreement:A Navigation Guide
PART 2 Terms of International Trade
Chapter 5 International Trade Terms
5.1 Generalization
5.2 A Guide to Incoterms 2010
5.3 Incoterms and VAT
5.4 Incoterms and Contracts
Chapter 6 Terms of Commodity
6.1 Name of Commodity
6.2 Quality ofCommodity
6.3 Quantity ofCommodity
6.4 Packing of Commodity
6.5 Commodity Inspection and Customs Formalities
Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport
7.1 Modes of Transport
7.2 Clause of Shipment
7.3 Major Shipping Documents
Chapter 8 Cargo Insurance
8.1 Parties to the Insurance
8.2 Marine Insurance
8.3 Insurance of Land, Air and Postal Transportation
8.4 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance
Chapter 9 Terms of Price
9.1 Ptice Elements
9.2 Pricing Methods
9.3 Conversion of Major Trade Terms
9.4 Exchange Cost:An Evaluation Tool
9.5 Pricing Strategies
9.6 Money of Account and Avoidance of Foreign Exchange Risk
9.7 Use of Commission and Discount
9.8 Clause of Ptice
Chapter 10 International Payment and Settlement
10.1 Amount of Payment
10.2 Payment Currency
PART 3 International Trade Procedure
PART 4 Trade Forms
Appendix Glossary of International Trade Terms with
版权页: 插图: However,What is the most interesting is that many important breakthroughs are rarelymade in formal meetings of these bodies,least of all in the higher level councils.Sincedecisions are made by consensus,without voting,informal consultations within the WTOplay a vital role in bringing a vastly diverse membership round to an agreement.One stepaway from the formal meetings is informal meetings that still include the full membership,such as those of the Heads of Delegations(HOD). The Secretariat The WTO Secretariat,with offices only in Geneva,Switzerland,has around 550 regularstaff and is headed by a Director-General.In performing their duties,the Director-General andhis staff are expected not to"seek or accept any instructions from any govemment or any otherauthority external to the WTO"and thus maintain the intemational character of the secretariat. Since decisions are taken by members only,the Secretariat has no decision-makingpowers.Its main duties are to supply technical and professional support for the variouscouncils and committees,to provide technical assistance for developing countries,to monitorand analyze developments in world trade.to provide information to the public and the mediaand to organize the ministerial conferences.The Secretariat also provides some form of legalassistance in the dispute settlement process and advises governments wishing to becomemembers of the WTO. The Secretariat staff includes individuals representing about 60 nationalities.Theprofessional staff is composed mostly of economists,lawyers and others with a specializationin international trade policy.There is also a substantial number of personnel working insupport services,including informatics,finance,human resources and language services.The total staff complement is composed almost equally of men and women。The workinglanguages of the WTO are English.French and Spanish.