
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:廖瑛,张春敏,吴艳霞 主编  页数:202  






第一部分 商务英语写作指导
第一单元 商务英语信函的文体风格、语言特点和写作方法
第二单元 商务英语书信格式
第三单元 传真与电子邮件的写作与传输
第二部分 外贸实务操作过程中的信函写作
第四单元 建立业务关系
第五单元 询价与答复
第六单元 报盘与递盘
第七单元 还盘与反还盘
第八单元 订货
第九单元 接受与签约
第十单元 包装
第十一单元 装运
第十二单元 支付与结算
第十三单元 保险
第十四单元 商检
第十五单元 抱怨、索赔与理赔
第十六单元 代理
第十七单元 特殊贸易
第十八单元 经济技术合作


  Indirect product compensation refers to repayment of the: cost of the imported capital goods with products wholly or partially produced with equipment other than that imported. In other words, the equipment supplied by the foreign company is not paid for by the local company or manufacturer with the products produced with the imported equipment, but with other products than those produced with the imported equipment. This may happen when the foreign company is unwilling to accept the former products. Under this arrangement, payments for the imported equipment and for the products to be supplied to the foreign company are to be accounted for separately and offset each other.5. In what way should we deal with the processing in international business operation?  There are two ways for us to deal with the processing in international business operation.The first way is to use the materials supplied by clients abroad for processing. In this case, all raw materials and packaging required are provided by the foreign company. The local company or manufacturer undertaking the process will charge a processing fee for working on the materials provided.  The second way is to process according to the samples supplied by clients abroad. The foreign company provides samples for processing or production by the local company or manufacturer, who supplies raw materials to produce the goods according to designs and specifications provided by the foreign company. The local company or manufacturer will charge a fee for processing, which normally includes the cost of raw materials supplied although in certain instances the cost of such materials may be separately accounted for and charged.   ……



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