
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:霍政欣  页数:425  




Journal of Comparative Law","Asian Pacific Law and Policy Journal",
"Journal of Cambridge Studies", "Seoul


Part One Introduction
Chapter One Description of the Subject
Chapter Two Sources of Private International Law
Chapter Three Conflict Rules
Part Two A Brief History of Private International Law
Chapter One The European Continental History
Chapter Two The Anglo-American History
Chapter Three The Chinese History
Part Three Subjects of Private International Law
Chapter One Natural Persons
Chapter Two Legal Persons
Chapter Three States and International Organizations
Part Four International Civil Jurisdiction
Chapter One Basic Theory of Jurisdiction
Chapter Two International Civil Jurisdiction in Chinese People's
Part Five General Part of Conflicts Law
Chapter One Characterization
Chapter Two Renvoi
Chapter Three Proof of Foreign Law and Evasion of Law
Chapter Four Ordre Public Reservation
Part Six Selected Areas of Conflict Rules
Chapter One Capacities
Chapter Two Contracts
Chapter Three Torts
Chapter Four Property
Chapter Five Family Issues
Chapter Six Succession
Part Seven Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and
Chapter One Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
Chapter Two Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Part Eight The New Conflict of Laws Act of the People's Republic of
Chapter One Legislative Background
Chapter Two Comments on the Important Issues of the Conflicts


  Compared with French doctrine, German doctrine on the scope of private international law (internationales privatrecht) is quite different, insofar as German scholars believe the law of nationality is public law rather than private law, and the rules concerning the legal status of foreigners in nature is internal law rather than international law. For this reason, the law of nationality, and the legal status of foreigners are not regarded as part of private international law in Germany. The scope of private international law, as a consequence, is much narrower.  The scope of private international law has been much debated among legal scholars in China, as well as in the former Soviet Union and the countries of former socialist Eastern European Countries. To common law scholars, the issue of whether the field of private international law is confined to conflict rules, or also includes substantive international and domestic regulations on transnational civil and commercial matters, seems an unimportant one.The problem, however, has captures the interest and imagination of socialist legal academics,whose concern for the classification of laws into specific subject areas perhaps stems from, or is related to, a general tendency to compartmentalize and rationalize their fields of specification.   ……




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  •   内容挺丰富的,涉及特定事物或人的时候,也有详细的脚注。里面会有案例,名词解释,比较,等等。唯一的缺点就是比较啰嗦,没有总结性。但个人应该可以通过自己的理解来进行总结。总体来看,给5分。
  •   老师推荐的书、做教材用、正在学习
  •   上课用的教材,中国人编的比较容易懂。
  •   内容不错,体系稍微有点问题,整体上来说是很适合本科学习的
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  •   翻译的很朴实易懂,呵呵...赞~
  •   书是正版,包装完好,服务态度很好。
  •   如题~~~~
  •   想来应该是不错的吧……= =
  •   欧老师建议买的,英文版。不错,看起来有些吃力
  •   法律英语得恶补。
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