
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:北京大学医学  作者:唐军民//李继承  


OVALLE&NAHIRNEY主编的NETTER'S ESSENTIAL HISTOLOGY和MOORE&PERSAUD主编的THE DEVELOPING HUMAN是人体组织学与人体发育学权威性的、备受我国组织学与胚胎学学者喜爱的教材和参考书。本教材是由国内15所医学院校的38名组织学与胚胎学专家根据国内本科生教学大纲,对这两本原版教材进行了适当删节和调整,整合成一本为中国医学生和外国留学生使用的组织学与胚胎学双语教材。本教材立足于临床。理论联系实际,图文并茂,既保留了原版教材的精华、保证了教材的权威性,又最大限度地适应了国内双语教学的要求。同时,本教材也是中国医学研究生参加组织学与胚胎学考试的重要参考书。


Section 1: Histology  1. The Cell  2. Epithelium and Exocrine Glands  3. Connective Tissue  4. Muscle Tissue  5. Nervous Tissue  6. Cartilage and Bone  7. Blood and Bone Marrow  8. Cardiovascular System   9. Lymphoid System  10. Endocrine System  11. Integumentary System  12. Upper Digestive System  13. Lower Digestive System   14. Liver, Gallbladder, and Exocrine Pancreas  15. Respiratory System  16. Urinary System   17. Male Reproductive System  18. Female Reproductive System   19. Eyeand Adnexa  20. Special SensesSection 2: Embryology  21. Introduction to the Developing Human   22. The Beginning of Human Development: First Week   23. Formation of the Bilaminar Embryonic Disc: Second Week  24. Formation of Germ Layers and Early Tissue and Organ Differentiation: Third Week.  25. Organogenetic Period: Fourth to Eighth Weeks  26. The Fetal Period: Ninth Week to Birth   27. The Placenta and Fetal Membranes  28. Body Cavities, Mesenteries, and Diaphragm  29. The Pharyngeal Apparatus  30. The Respiratory System  31. The Digestive System  32. The Urogenital System  33. The Cardiovascular System  34. The Skeletal System  35. The Muscular System  36. The Limbs  37. The Nervous System  38. The Eye and Ear  39. The Integumentary System  40. Congenital Anatomic Anomalies or Human Birth DefectsIndex


版权页:插图:The neuromuscular junction has five principal components.First, a Schwann cell process forms a cap above the nerveterminal; here, it does not face the synaptic region. Second,the axon terminal, which is devoid of myelin, contains many clear, rounded synaptic vesicles filled with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. These membrane boundvesicles are 50-60 nm in diameter and are concentratednear the presynaptic membrane in regions known as active zones. Acetylcholine is stored in the vesicles and released byexocytosis. Recycling of vesicles by end ocytos is occurs after neuro transmitter release. Neurofilaments, microtubules,smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, scatteredglycogen particles, and mitochondria occupy other regions of the axon terminal. The third component is the synapticcleft, which is a narrow space between nerve terminal and muscle fiber surface, about 70 nm wide. It consists of aprimary cleft and several smaller secondary clefts at rightangles to it. The synaptic cleft is lined by a basementmembrane, which plays a role in development and regeneration of the neuromuscular junction. The four thcomponent is the postsynaptic membrane of the musclefiber, which contains in tramembrane particles that can berevealed by freezefracture techniques. These particlescontain nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine. The fifthcomponent is the postjunctional sarcoplasm of the musclefiber, which is critical for structural and metabolic support of the junction.






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用户评论 (总计18条)


  •   彩图,全英文,图文并茂,图示清晰,很好的英文参考书。
  •   很好,原来以为影印的会是黑白,没想到是全彩色的,很给力啊!
  •   里面的全英文呢虽然看了很吃力,但值得购买,全彩的书,非常棒
  •   国外引进~内容丰富..
  •   和北医出版社中文的组胚章节安排基本一致,英文还可以,比较好理解,对学习组胚的英文词汇很有帮助
  •   这一系列的书很好
  •   Contents in detail.
  •   这批书还不错,但有一批缺了一种,里面放了一张报缺单,我打电话才给我处理的,发货还需要加强啊。
  •   感觉其中的英语不是很难,挺好的~
  •   老师也建议要用这本书 纸质比较好 有多图片 很有实
  •   内容是没的说的,不过书脊弄坏了,很心疼
  •   物流很慢,太慢了。
  •   书的质量很好,虽然是改编版的,但是内容很丰富,适合作参考书。北京大学医学出版社出版的一系列的影印、改编本国外医学教材都不错。
  •   在国内组胚课时不断压缩的现状下,阅读大部头的原版textbook费事费力,本书是个不错的精华版,可供有志提高英语水平或考U的低年级同学选用。
  •   现在卓越买的书不像以前那样保护的好了。送来时书的表面都划开了。一个角还折的,幸好里面没破
  •   这本书的彩图很多。感觉挺不错的。胚胎学的内容占了一半
  •   深入浅出,讲得不错。
  •   是自己需要的专业教材,图文都很精美,很好!

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