
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:首都师范大学出版社  作者:曲一线 主编  页数:152  字数:580000  




第一部分 能力水平测试
第二部分 解题策略与技巧
一 高考阅读理解命题规律
二 高考阅读理解题型及方法解读
三 高考阅读理解应试策略
第三部分 独家原创新题分级训练
Unit 1-5
Unit 6-10
Unit 11-15
Unit 16-20
Unit 21-25
第四部分 最新真题荟萃
Passage 1-5
Passage 6-10
Passage 11-15
Passage 16-20
Passage 21-25
Passage 26-30
第五部分 综合能力测试


版权页:   插图:   We celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday (February 12), andwe should. Lincoln was one of the few great men who really weregreat. Before he became president, Lincoln spent twenty years as anunsuccessful Illinois lawyer-at least he was unsuccessful in makingmoney. But when you measure the good he did, he was very rich in-deed. Legends are often untrue, but Lincoln was the real thing.George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree, but AbrahamLincoln was honest. During his years as a lawyer, there werehundreds of known examples of his honesty and politeness. For example, Lincoln didn't like to charge people much whowere as poor as he was. Once a man sent him twenty-five dollars,but Lincoln sent him back ten of them, saying he was being too gen-erous(慷慨). He was known at times to persuade his clients(当事人) to set-tle their problems out of court, saving them a lot of money, but earn-ing himself nothing. An old woman in terrible poverty, the widow of a Revolutionarysoldier,was charged $ 200 for getting her $400 pension. Lincolntook the pension agent to court and won the case for the old woman.He didn't charge her for his services and, in fact, paid her hotel billand gave her money to buy a ticket home! He was a fool, perhaps, by certain standards. He didn't havemuch, and it was his own fault. But he was a good human being byanyone's standards and I'm glad we celebrate his birthday. Honesty makes you feel good about ourself and creates trust inothers. It improves your relationship with yourself and with others.It's not much in fashion these days to talk about the benefits of hon-esty and politeness, but the benefits are there and they are valuableand worth the trouble. Lincoln didn't talk much about religion (宗教), even with hisbest friends, and he didn't belong to any church. But he once told afriend that his religious rule was the same as an old man he knew inIndiana,who said,"When I do good, I feel good;and when I dobad, I feel bad, and that's my religion. "





    曲一线科学备考·5·3英语阅读理解系列图书 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计29条)


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  •   一直练到高考
  •   升了高三了,值得一做的书
  •   好书!!!!!强烈推荐,后面的解释非常详细,适合用于提高英语水平的同学
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  •   通俗易懂,便于记忆和理解!是高中学生最佳选择!
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  •   这书非常好,值得一买啊。
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  •   东西不错很喜欢哈哈哈哈哈
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  •   送货速度很快,答案很详细
  •   对学习有帮助 希望能坚持下去好好学习
  •   书很好,很适合高三学生使用
  •   很不错的复习资料。。。
  •   每天做几篇有利于锻炼。
  •   书很新字有些小 答案分析一般吧还可以
  •   讲解很详细~~慢慢做啦
  •   其他都好,质量,什么的很好,书也好用,但贵了点
  •   很有用 得购买 值得一读 很有用 学习的好助手
  •   还没用 不过口碑不错 应该不错吧~
  •   整体觉得很高端。很不错。
  •   不错、、、
  •   童鞋们不要被表象蒙蔽双眼,我原来以5.3系列的东西应该是不错的,结果买回来做的时候才发现——字太小!!!看的眼睛很难受!!英文字母甚至比英语辅导报的还要小!!
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  •   和我定的不像,太失望了
  •   买过同系列的都很好,就是书有些皱~

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