出版时间:2010-7 出版社:东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司 作者:(美)哈里森,(美)圣约翰 著,陈继祥 译注 译者:陈继祥 注释
Essentials of Strategic Management treatscore topics and current issues in the fielddirectly and concisely without compro-mising learning.With just eight chapters,itticlws at a brisk pace.While it is half the sizeof standard texts,Essentials covers all majorstrategic management topics,including classic and modern theory;draws on the contribu-tions of leading authors in the field;andinterlaces all its presentations with current debates,current perspectives,and current examples.Essentials gives vou the most essential information about strategy along、vith the option to build a course tO your own particular specifications by(1)adding your own readings,(2)running a simulation,(3)selecting your own cases,and(4)experi-menting with exercises——in short,custom-izing your course to suit your teaching style and goals. Three theoretical foundations.above a11 other concerns,influenced the shape of this book.First was the traditional strategic management process model This approach is based primarily on applications of industrial organization economics and other classic writings from a wide range of the pioneers in the field.It includes analysis of the firm and its environment(SWOT analysis),as well as strategy fo rmulation,implementation,and control.
挖掘精炼。有效的战略管理资源!《战略管理精要》(第4版)检验了在公司竞争领域成功的管理过程、环境和执行。这一版本精炼的内容与现今的课程讲授保持一致。当然,传统的经济过程模型、基于资源的模型以及股东理论本版仍然保留着。精要版给予师生选择的自由,这种客户订制版是理想的教学工具。精要版新的内容包括全球竞争范围的战略化、新增的全球化挑战以及更多的伦理主题。这一精要版的特点是: 采取更有效的方法,以给课程、实践训练和相关阅读留出时间。 课文内容利用了更多的战略管理过程模式。 以领先企业的实例来说明开发决策制定和分析技术的全球化主要观点。 每一章以“聚焦战略”开始,以“关键点综述”结尾来帮助学生学习。
作者:(美国)杰弗里·S.哈里森(Jeffrey S.Harrison) (美国)卡伦·H.圣约翰(Caron H.St.John) 注译:陈继祥杰弗里·S.哈里森,里士满大学罗宾斯商学院战略管理学W.大卫·罗宾斯讲席教授,在此之前,他曾服务于康奈尔大学。哈里森博士研究兴趣包括战略管理、商业伦理,尤其擅长并购、多元化、战略联盟以及股东管理。他的大部分论文发表于权威杂志,如Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management,Journal以及Journal of Business Ethics。他共主编或合编六部著作,并在数家公司担任顾问或培训师。卡伦·H.圣约翰,克莱姆森大学研究生项目和创新临时副主任,MBA项目和Spiro企业领导学院主管,教授。她的研究兴趣包括企业竞争、技术、经营战略。她的论文发表于Academy Management Review, Strategic Management Journal以及Production and Operations Management。她与杰夫·哈里森合编了两部战略管理的教材,同时她还活跃于战略、企业家和创新管理的经理及研究生教育。
1.The Strategic Management Process What is Strategic Management? Alternative Perspectives on Strategy Development Strategic Thinking Key Points Summary References2.TheExternalEnvironment The Broad Environment The Task Environment Global Business Environments Key Points Summary References3.Organizational Resources and Competitive Advantage The Strategic Value of Internal Resources and Capabilities Human Resources Physical Resources Financial Resources Knowledge and Learning Resources General Organizational Resources ResourceAnalysis and the DevelopmentofStrategy Key Points Summary References4.Strategic Direction Influences OD Strategic Direction OrganizationalMission andVisionStatements Business Definition Organizational Values and Purpose KeyPefints Summary References5.Business-Level Strategies Growth Strategias Competitive Strategies Strategies in an International Context Changes in Strategy Over Time Key Points Summary References6.Corporate Strategies Development of Corporate Strategy Diversification Methods Portfolio Management Key Points Summary References7.Strategy Implementation Leadership Organization Culture and Energy Functional Strategies Executing Global Strategies Organizational Structure Xey Points Summary References8.Strategic Controland Restructuring Strategic Control Systems Strategic Restructuring The Challenge of the Future Key Points Summary ReferencesAppendixmPreparing a Strategic Analysis Structuring an Environmental Analysis Structuring an Organizational Analysis Developing a Strategic Plan A Note to Students
A rigid strategic planning process can drive out strategic thinking.For example,some firms require their managers to estabfish and follow very detailed plans which do not allow for deviations.Other firms harshly penalize their managers for failure,SO they are afraid to try new ideas.Efiective strategm planning processes incorporate creative aspects associated with strategic thinking. There is no consensus on the meaning of strategic thinking or exactly what it entails.However,certain characteristics are associated、Ⅳith the kind of thinl(ing that is needed to stimulate innovation in the strategic planning process.These characteristics are a foCUS on strategic intent,a long-term perspective,consideration of the past and the present,a systems perspective,the ability to seize unanticipated opportunities,and a scientific approach.30 1.Focus D,l strategic in~nL Some peoplethink of creative processes as beingpurely random and unstructured.However,strategic thinking is not arandom process.It is based on a visionof where the organization is attemptingto go.This vision is sometimes calledstrategic intent.Strategic thinking leadsto ideas that will help the organizationachieve its vision. the future.