
出版社:杨富斌 中国人民公安大学出版社 (2013-04出版)  




论文 中国刑事司法中的个人权利 集合理财计划:一头脱缰的野马? 中国旅游立法的巨大成就及存在问题 旅游合同中惩罚性违约赔偿金的适用 中国的旅游权 对非独立董事监管角色有效性的促进:哪种形式的干预更为合适? 对“技术侦查手段”立法的理性评价:基于中国刑事诉讼法修正案 为了正义:当法律遭遇创伤后应激障碍 中国的本土创新需要持续性发展:从最新政策视角看 清洁能源技术及产业的专利保护:世界的发展与中国的回应 低碳立法的激励机制 食品安全监管机制的完善 案例解析 民事审判中应当区分欺诈行为与错误行为:以孙垚诉芬迪(上海)商业有限公司买卖合同案为例 网络侵权纠纷中网络服务者责任承担问题探究:以战一诉北京创融投资有限公司人格权案为例 新法介绍 中华人民共和国旅游法(草案)


版权页:   插图:   They believe that patent law should not only negatively formulate that "environmentally polluting technology is not patentable" to deal with clean energy and green technology,but should be more active in promoting clean energy and other green technologies patent application process.China can learn from these changes. However,given Europe's huge technology advantage in clean energy patents,pure patent protection is obviously very negative to China.Obviously,a large number of patent applications in Europe and America are not for the purpose of further production or use,but patent storage,waiting for the use or infringement of other countries,which are known as "submarine patents".Just as the discussion about to what extent the protection of intellectual property should be when China had just opened its intellectual property protection system within WTO around 2000,we need to carefully think about how to use existing domestic and international patent system to create the most extensive room for Chinese technology and industrial development.Clearly,the United States advocates maintaining the existing system of IP protection,and does not want to introduce IP issue to the field of clean energy,claiming the problem should be resolved within the framework of existing international negotiations framework such as the experienced and authoritative WTO.This is for their maximum benefit.Franoise Le Bail,Deputy Director of European Commission on Enterprise and Industry,said that the current single model of intellectual property protection should be changed,and more emphasis be made on dissemination and use of patent information,which in a more positive and more cost-effective use of intellectual property rights.





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