出版时间:2010-6 出版社:南京师大 作者:温秀杰//谈允恬 页数:105
南京,被誉为六朝古都、十朝都会。悠久灿烂的文明为我们留下了极为丰厚的历史文化遗产。近些年来,南京深化改革的步伐日益加快,其山水城林之景、虎踞龙盘之势在都市动感活力的渲染下,正愈发散发出迷人的魅力。 南京同时也是一座开放程度很高的城市。迄今,南京已经与名古屋、佛罗伦萨、莱比锡等12个国家的城市结为国际友好城市。每年,数以百万计的国际友人选择来南京观光、留学、参访或者从事商务、文化等方面的交流活动。置身于南京,他们很快便会为这座古都兼容并蓄的城市性格与亲和独具的博爱情怀所吸引。这是南京拓展与世界交流的重要渠道。 旅游是城市的窗口,导游是城市的形象大使。优秀导游,可以做到厚积薄发,帮助游客漫步于南京历史发展的全息空间,并让其流连忘返。当然,成长为一名优秀的导游,尤其是英语导游,品质保障的培训教材或者工具书不可或缺。 纵观市场上导游类书籍,中文旅游读物品种繁多,内容较广;而英文导游书籍不仅数量少,其对单体景区的介绍往往局限于简介性质;专门为参加英语导游考试打造的书籍,则更是可遇不可求。这种现状显然已跟不上南京旅游产业的快速发展。 鉴于此,品读温秀杰、谈允恬以图文并茂的形式编译的这本《导游考证南京景点英语》,很是惊喜。
Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty / 001Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum / 009Linggu Temple / 016Zhonghua Gate / 031Nanjing Confucius Temple / 037The Presidential Palace / 048Introduction of Nanjing/ 071Vocabulary / 082Appendix 1 / 096Appendix 2 / 102References / 105Postscript / 106
The first entrance of thegate is a three-tier building in which27 hiding caves for soldiers are built(Fig. 4-5). These caves are spaciousenough to hold approximately 3,000soldiers and store large quantities offood and weapons. There is a ramp forhorses on either side leading to the topof the wall (Fig. 4-6). At the top, theoriginal watching tower with three eavesrafters construction fell down during thereign of Emperor Jiaqing (1796——1820)of the Qing Dynasty and then anothertower in smaller size was rebuilt by theJiangning County (江宁县). The towerwas destroyed by Japanese invaders inthe winter of 1937. The entire structure was built withmassive bricks mortared together withspecial cement made from lime, stickyrice juice and tung oil. In order toguarantee the quality of the construction,every brick underwent a strict qualitycontrol process. The brick makers andbuilders were ordered to mark theirnames on each brick. Even today, itis possible to find Chinese charactersand numbers on the bricks (Fig. 4-7).No doubt, this detailed attention tothe quality is one of the reasons whythe condition of the gate remains soremarkably good today.