出版时间:2011-10 出版社:祝小宁 电子科技大学出版社 (2011-10出版) 作者:祝小宁 编
《2011公共管理国际会议论文集(第7届)(英文版1)》目录: Part One The Future of Public Administration:Accountability and Transparency in Government In Pursuit of Ethical Governance Transparency of Local Public Administration in Poland Study of organizational Structure in Chinese Centralized Public Procurement:Based on Curbing Corruption for Public Procurement Institutional Change of the Spatial Distribution of Chinese Provincial Govemment Power:Based on the Paradigm of Historical Institution The Research on Chinese Govemment Actions through Citizenization of Chinese New Generation Migrant Workers A Study on the Rationality of the Existence of Regional Public Administration The Research of the Local Government Performance Comprehensive Evaluation Model in China Research on Emergency Reports Response Mechanism and its Operational Mechanism-Based on the Earthquake at East Japan Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Utilization of the Market and the Government Study on the Influencing Factors of Local Government Innovation Diffusion On the Function-change and Value-orientation of the Government's Social Management Requirements of Human Resource Performance Management on Construction of Service-oriented Government in China Economic Efiects and Government Administration in Heixiazi Island Development Study on Cooperation between Local Governments from the Perspective of Synergetics Political Communication and Political Development in Contemporary China The Analysis of the Actuality and Countermeasures of Groups'Corruption The Transformation of Local Government Function in the Background of Global Environmental Protection-Taking Guilin as an Example Responsibilities and Strategic Arrangements of a Service-oriented Govemment in Agricultural Disaster Management Some Viewpoints about the Counterplan and Mechanism against Corruption Research on the Tbtal Quality Management of Government for the Public Crisis Analysis of Creating a Service-oriented Government on the Basis of Customer-orientation in China Government Role on Promoting the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in China:A Case Analysis of Foxconn Study on the Construction of Government Credibility under the Perspective of Civil Servants'Behavior in China The Equity of Higher Education in the Perspective of Service-oriented Government Research on How Administrative Personality of Civil Servants is Formed when Establishing a Service-oriented Govemment-Prom the Perspective of Administrative Culture E-Gov 2012:Towards a Real E-democracy? Part Two Public Service,Policy and Leadership Public Service and Protection of Ethnic Minorities Culture-The Case of China Relationship among Transformational Leadership,Transactional Leadership,Trust and Job Performance-Take Civil Servants at the Municipal Level as an Example Public Service Reform in Local Government of China:A Case Study of Three Municipalities Reflections and Prospects on China's Property Taxation Analysis on the Equalization of Basic Public Services among its Main Functional Districts of Chinese Metropolitan:The Case Study of Beijing Public Policy System in the Zransitional Period of Resource-depleted Cities of China:An Empirical Analysis The Remolding of Government Station in Community Services Field From Gambling Right to Gambling Regulation:Right Definition and Institutional Norms in the Perspective of Individualism On the Route Exploration of Public Services Equalization-From the Perspective of Basic Education The Demand Analysis and Development Policies of China Civil Avimion Regional Market from the Perspective of Public Administration The Policy Choices for Developing Modern Biotechnology Industry in China Developing Social Enterprises:The Effective Path to Improve the Ability of Public Services in China Chinese Long-term Dynamic Minimum Wage Adjustment Mechanism-A Case of Shanghai Evaluation of the Effect of Wenchuan Post-earthquake Property Disposal Policy:From the Perspective of Victims The Practice and Enlightment for the Equalization of Basic Public Services of China-The Experiences from Chengdu China's National Innovation System Analysis and Improvement Suggestions The Governance Structure Reform and Improvement of Performance of Rural Public Service-The Experience from Reform of Rural Public Service in Hejiang Town in Sichuan Province in China Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Preschool Education of China in"The 12th Five-Year Plan" Period-Innovation Management of Govemment Based on the Equalization of Public Services The Study of Age-linked Contribution Model of Urban Residents Basic Medical Insurance-Taking Shanghai,China for Example Part Three Networking and Governance Transnational Advocacy Network in Global Anti-corruption Movement Torn in Two:Competing Discourses of Globalization and Localization in India's Informational City of Bangalore Study on Spatial Economy Eceets of the Intercity Railway Network-Inter-city Rail of Yangtze River Delta Participatory Governance:The Goal of Chinese Government Management Reform The Function and Value of Officials'Micro-blog in the Perspective of E-government What Can We Do to Deal with High Administrative Costs in China …… Part Four Collaborating Public Organizations and Civil Engagement Part Five New Public Management Issues Part Six Public Administrative Law and Media Management Part Seven Challenges in Public Administration and Others …… 《2011公共管理国际会议论文集(第7届)(英文版2)》 《2011公共管理国际会议论文集(第7届)(英文版3)》
版权页: 插图: The present traditional governments don't pay enough attention to value creation, however, the primary task of service-oriented governments construction is to build up value concept to serve the social development in everyone's mind. To change the present situation, service-oriented government construction should emphasize that value creation is the primary responsibility of everyone in service-oriented governments, that is, managers in governments and departments of all levels should make value analysis of each work and each post with the help of value management theory. As service-oriented governments, sustainable administrative ability promotion should not be based on the measurement of hardware index like GDP, but value creation increase of different departments and governments. However, in practice, problems existing in some governments are: first,paying less attention to human resource-value creators' performance planning and human capital investment, but eagerly asking staff to finish high standard job with present administrative level and ability; second, even if the relative human resource performance planning has been made, it is only a piece of paper, not closely related to departments' strategy and working plan. The above two problems lead to impossible implementation and evaluation of human resource capital investment expenses under the situation of planning without guidance of practice. Therefore, planning of service-oriented governments' human resource performance management should be in accordance with local governments at all levels, should disintegrate strategy target to business level, and point out accurately program design, techniques and skills, practical methods and evaluating index to achieve the target. 4.2 Achieving target evaluating system under guidance of value Managers of service-oriented governments at all levels need to make accurate performance targe and index to measure work development of staff in human resource performance management. Some outer performances like work capacity and work progress are the basic performance standard, but as value managers, the specific index which can be beneficial for department core ability promotior should be put at the kernel position in human resource performance management.