
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:中国矿业大学出版社  作者:谭旭红,刘淑花 编  页数:278  




Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting1.1 Basic Concepts1.2 Accounting Assumptions and Accounting Principles1.3 Financial Accounting Measurement BasesSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsChapter 2 Accounting Equation2.1 Accounting Elements2.2 Accounting Equation2.3 Financial StatementsSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesChapter 3 Accounting Methods3.1 The Account3.2 The Double-Entry System of Accounting3.3 Debits and CreditsSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesChapter 4 Recording Process4.1 Journal4.2 Ledger4.3 Trial BalanceSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesChapter 5 The Adjustment and Closing Process5.1 Accounting Basis5.2 Adjusting Entries5.3 The Adjusted Trial Balance and Financial Statement5.4 Closing EntriesAppendix:Alternative Treatment of Accounting for PrepaidExpense and Unearned RevenuesSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesChapter 6 Internal Control and Cash6.1 Internal Control6.2 Cash Control6.3 The Bank Account as a Control Device6.4 Internal Control over Cash Receipts and Cash Payments .-6.5 Budget and Reporting CashSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesChapter 7 Accounting for Merchandising Operations7.1 Merchandising operations7.2 Accounting for Inventory under the Perpetual System7.3 Accounting for Inventory under the Periodic SystemSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study Questions ~ExercisesChapter 8 Accounting Information Systems8.1 Basic Concepts of Accounting Information Systems8.2 Subsidiary Ledgers8.3 Special Journals8.4 Effects of Special Journals on General JournalSummaryAccounting VocabularySelf-Study QuestionsExercisesReferences





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