出版时间:2013-2 出版社:西南交通大学出版社 作者:牟宜武
Introduction/序诗 Laughing Song/欢笑歌 Echoing Green/欢声布满绿草地 Spring/春 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud/我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 A Cradle Song/摇篮曲 The School Boy/小学生 The Little Black Boy/黑人小孩 The Chimney Sweeper/扫烟囱的孩子 On Another's Sorrow/别人的痛苦 The Is les of Greece/哀希腊 Nurse's Song/保姆之歌 The Little Girl Lost/幼女之失 The Little Girl Found/幼女之得 The Lamb/羔羊 Odeto the Wlest Wind/西风颂 Holy Thurs day/升天节 The Divine Image/至上的形象 A Dream/一个梦 Kubla Khan Or,a Vision in a Dream.A Fragment/忽必烈汗或一个梦境的片段 Night/夜 Odeto a Nighting ale/夜莺颂 References
版权页: 插图: Among the eight stanzas,the first five stanzas form a progression of wishes for the baby; and the last three stanzas address a parallel between the baby in her arms and the baby that once lay in a creator,the incarnate Jesus Christ. At the beginning of the poem,a mother is gently singing a lullaby to her sleeping baby.In the first stanza,she asks the "sweet dreams" to "form a shade" to protect her baby.In the second stanza,she asks the "sweet sleep" to weave "an infant crown" about her baby and asks the angle to "hover" over her baby so that nothing disturbs her baby's sleep.In the third stanza,she hopes the "sweet smiles" are hovering over her baby's face in the night.In the fourth stanza,she hopes the baby's "sweet moans" are not signs of the baby's awakening.The fifth stanza begins the transition from the mother-baby pair to the wider world.While the baby sleeps,"All creation slept and smil'd". In general,the first five stanzas convey the mother's simple thought for her baby-a wish for peace and sweet dreams for the baby,which is stressed by the use of imperative verb forms such as "form","weave","hover" and "chase not" on the one hand,and by the simplicity and repetition of the diction such as "sweet dreams","sweet sleep","sweet(er) smiles","sweet babe" on the other hand. The last three stanzas describe how the mother can see the "Holy image" of Jesus Christ in her baby's face.Jesus was once a "Sweet babe once like thee",and wept for all creation-"Wept for me,for thee,for all,/When he was an infant small".Since the baby is fresh from God,a baby's smiles can be seen as Christ's smiles and they make peace between heaven and earth.