
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:西南交通大学出版社  作者:云虹 编  页数:108  


  语音是学好英语最重要的基本功。语音知识不仅有利于口语、听力的提高,而且对读、写技巧的提高也有帮助。因此,语音教学不是可有可无的,而应被看做语言学习过程中必不可少的一个重要部分。  《实用英语语音学教程》是一本以实用、普及为目的而编写的英语语音教材,目的是帮助初学者或具有中等水平,但在语音上仍感困难的读者突破英语语音这一难关。本书以深入浅出、通俗易懂的方式教给读者具体的发音方法,采用便于广大读者学习的编写形式,使他们学习语音的过程不至于太枯燥。本书在教授语音时采用自下而上法:即先从切分音位开始到韵律单位的词重音和句重音,最后再到超音段特征的语调教学。本书在对比英式“普通型”标准发音(General RP)和美式英语(GA,General American)的基础上,以教授美式语音为主,使学生对两种语音都能区分、掌握。  本书在组织和编写上有以下特色:  一、全书围绕语音学,以浅显易懂的语言进行描述,侧重语音实践。所用术语的中文翻译或者英文解释附在书后附录。  二、全书始终围绕“实用”展开描述和举例。语音练习从单词、短语、句子到语篇,使用真实情景的语音文字材料,如课堂教学用语(针对教育方向)、商务电话或者谈判对话(针对经贸、商务英语)、中央电视台的Travelogue等栏目材料节选(针对旅游英语方向),具有很强的时代感。这样以克服其他语音教材例子较枯燥的弊端。




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Course Objectives1.2 Components of Human Speech Production1.3 The International Phonetic Alphabet1.4 Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American (GA)Chapter 2 Articulation and Description of English Vowels2.1 Monophthongs2.1.1 Front vowels2.1.2 Central Vowels2.1.3 Back Vowels2.2 Diphthongs:2.3 Practice and ExercisesChapter 3 Articulation and Description of English Consonants3.1 Classification of consonants3.2 Consonants3.2.1 Plosives(Stop Consonants)3.2.2 Fricatives3.2.3 Lateral3.2.4 Nasals3.2.5 Affricates3.2.6 Semi-Vowels3.3 Practice and ExercisesChapter 4 Aspects of Connected Speech4.1 Stress4.1.1 Word Stress4.1.2 Sentence Stress4.2 Rhythm4.3 Assimilation4.4 Linking4.5 Practice and ExercisesChapter 5 Intonation5.1 What is intonation?5.2 The forms of intonation5.3 Intonation group5.4 The functions and uses of intonation5.5 Practice and ExercisesGlossaryBibliography


  1.1 Course Objectives  Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that peoplenotice when you are speaking. When you meet a person, and youjust say a sentence or two, do you think they will notice your poorvocabulary or bad grammar? Probably not. But they will noticewhether your pronunciation is good or bad. If your pronunciationis poor, they will immediately think about you as the guy/girlwho speaks bad English Your pronunciation creates the firstimpression you make. Good pronunciation should be one of thefirst things that you learn in English. You can live withoutadvanced vocabulary—— you can use simple words to say what youwant to say. You can live without advanced grammar —— you canuse simple grammar structures instead. But there is no such thingas simple pronunciation.




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