出版时间:2010-2 出版社:姜向东、邱春蓉、 黄整 西南交通大学出版社 (2010-02出版) 作者:邱春蓉,黄整 主编 页数:155 字数:321000
大学物理实验课程是理工科学生重要的基础实验课程之一,是必修的一门系统全面、独立设置的实践性基础实验课,同时也是通过实践学习物理知识的一个过程。随着国际交流日益频繁,培养既精通专业业务,又能熟练运用英语交流的综合性科技人才显得相当紧迫,外语教育直接关系到我国的综合国力、国际竞争力的提高以及“社会生产力跨越式发展”的战略目标的实现。不仅如此,学生从事科研工作、获取信息、出国深造都离不开高超的英语水平,所以,精通英语已经成为学生未来发展的重要素质。近几年,国内各大高校大力提倡双语教学,但是物理实验的双语教材并不多见,我们为此编写了这本能满足物理实验教学需要的教材。 本书主要分为两大部分:第一部分为理论,包括误差理论、常用仪器简介和数据处理,介绍了误差理论、测量结果的评定、不确定度的概念及计算,常用物理实验仪器和基本数据处理的方法;第二部分为具体实验介绍部分,共编入19个实验,包括基础实验、设计性实验和综合性实验,涉及力学、热学、光学和电学。 本书是在物理实验中心建设和实验教学经验积累的基础上完成的,汇集了集体的智慧和劳动。本书的编写离不开物理实验中心广大教师的大力支持,也参考了国内外高校的许多大学物理实验教材,并由姜向东教授、西南交通大学实验室及设备管理处审核全书。
Part I Error Theory and Data Process 1 Fundament of Error Theory 1.1 Basic Concept of Measurement 1.2 Basic Concept of Measurement Error 1.3 Instrument Error 1.4 Expression of Measurement Result 1.5 Best Estimate Value of Measurement 1.6 Uncertainties 1.7 Data Amending 2 Introduction of General Instruments 2.1 Vernier Caliper 2.2 Micrometer Caliper 2.3 Laboratory Balance 2.4 Stopwatch 2.5 Resistance Box 2.6 Voltmeter 2.7 Ammeter 2.8 Multimeter 2.9 Galvanometer 2.10 Thermometer 3 Fundamental Methods of Data Process 3.1 Table 3.2 Graph 3.3 Successive Minus Method 3.4 Least Squares Method ExereisesPart II Experiments Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity Using a Simple Pendulum.,……
插图:Measurement plays a fundamental role in our modern world. In commerce, goods are priced by volume, mass, or something length or area; services such as transportation are billed according to quantity of material as well as according to the distance it is transported. In commercial transactions, errors in measurement have a direct bearing on profits and costs.In the engineering technologies, every project begins and ends with measurements. The design of a highway or skyscraper starts with a survey; the design of a power transformer starts with measurement of the electrical and magnetic properties of the wire, the insulation, and the magnet core. The final product must then be tested to see if it actually measures up to its theoretical performance.Mathematics is a scheme for dealing with numbers and with functions, or sets of numbers. This scheme tells us how to operate on numbers to get new numbers, and how to operate on functions to get new functions. But mathematics itself does not tell us:what these numbers or functions mean, as far as anything physical is concerned.Numbers and mathematical functions acquire physical meaning only when engineers and scientists become involved. Their job is to find ways of expressing properties of the real world in numerical form. Only then does mathematics become a practical tool.