
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:西南交通大学出版社  作者:戴若愚  页数:213  


  随着改革开放的深入和经济全球化进程的加快,国内越来越多的企业和专业技术人员进入到国际工程承包领域,在不同国家从事道路、房屋、桥隧、矿产业等工程承包管理和施工工作;同时,国内的工程承包也越来越多地采用国际上的标准规范和模式。国际工程承包行业的规范性和国际性对从业人员的语言交际能力也提出了更高的要求。  与大学公共外语相比,国际工程承包行业使用的英语语体更为正式,词汇和句法结构更为繁复艰涩,术语更多,范式更为严格。工科和英语专业的学生在大学毕业进入到国际工程承包这一行业之初,对国际工程管理的语言都非常陌生,在阅读理解、写作和日常交流中困难重重,不得其法,不得不在工作中花费大量时间来熟悉、了解行业语言的特征,学习语言运用的基本技能。本书编写的目的就是针对这一问题,让学生学习国际工程承包管理中英语语言素材,接触国际工程管理方面的第一手语料,能够掌握国际工程承包管理的基本常识,熟悉国际工程英语的基本特点及语言运用的范式,从而在进入工程管理及相关行业的时候,能够尽快进入角色,发挥专业所长。  编者在本书中总结了自己多年的国际工程管理英语运用的实际经验,采用第一手国际工程管理语言运用的范例,节选改编国际工程承包管理方面的国外著述和文献,撰写编排课文,内容的重点放在国际工程承包的工作程序和合同管理上,具体分为国际工程承包现状综述、我国国际工程承包的发展历史、国际工程承包中的跨文化交际、招投标程序、国际工程承包合同的形式和格式、国际工程承包合同各方和它们的责任、工程保险和保函、工程索赔、合同争议、争议的解决和仲裁、国际工程文件管理和书面交流等十个部分。从教学体例的安排上分为工程承包管理实务英语例文、词汇和短语、国际工程承包英语的语言特征、词汇训练、翻译训练等五个部分。




Chapter1 Introduction1.1 International Construction Market, Opportunities and Risks1.2 Project Delivery Process in International Construction1.3 Communication, a PriorityChapter 2 Chinese International Contractors2.1 General2.2 Chinese Government's Economic and Technical Aid before 19792.3 Emergence of Chinese International Construction Enterprises2.4 Development of Multinational Enterprises2.5 Categories of Contracts won By Chinese International Contractors2.6 Major Problems and DilemmaChapter 3 Cross-Culture Communication in International Construction Engineering3.1 Cross-culture Communication, Basic Concepts3.2 Culture Shock & Adjustment/Adaptation3.3 Cross-culture Communication Problems with Chinese ExpatriatesChapter 4 Tendering Methods and Procedure4.1 Selection and Qualification of Contractors before/at Tendering4.2 Tender Documents4.3 Evaluation of Tenders and Award of Contract4.4 Marketing Activities in Pricing TenderChapter 5 Types and Forms of Contract5.1 Essential of a Valid Construction Contract5.2 Types and Forms of Contract5.3 FIDIC Conditions of ContractChapter 6 Parties to the Contract6.1 The Employer6.2 The Contractor6.3 The EngineerChapter 7 Insurance, Ponds, and Guarantees7.1 Insurance7.2 Bonds & GuaranteesChapter 8 Claims8.1 Types of Claim8.2 Causes of Claim8.3 Preparation of Claim8.4 FIDIC, Contractor's ClaimChapter 9 Conflicts, Resolutions, and Arbitration9.1 Conflicts and Disputes in Construction Projects9.2 Resolution of Disputes9.3 Nature and Procedure of ArbitrationChapter 10 Communication in Writing on Construction Site10.1 Project Correspondences10.2 Minutes of Meetings(Decision Memoranda)10.3 Project ReportsAnswers to the ExercisesBibliograghy


  Chapter 1 Introduction  1.1 International Construction Market, Opportunities and Risks International construction projects are those in which the contractor, the lead consultant, or the employer is not of the same domicile, and at least one of them is working outside his or her country of origin.During the last decade, the world has witnessed the dramatic expansion of opportunities for contractors in international construction markets. Why do contractors wish to join in these global competitions and seek projects at any place around the world? There exists several reasons for construction firms to expand their business into international markets. These reasons include stagnant domestic markets, spreading risk through diversification into new markets, competitiveuse of resources, and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the global economy.Technological advances, political reform, worldwide trends toward privatization and an increasing recognition of economic interdependence, represent the primary forces ofglobalization. The global economy has created business environments that radically differ fromthose of the past. The globalization of construction markets now allows local constructioncompanies to compete internationally.In addition, establishment of world standards like the International Standards Organization series has enhanced product acceptance and approval in international trade. As a result, construction firms are able to market standardized products indifferent countries.  Moreover, rapid developments in telecommunication, travel, and other related industries have opened the international construction markets that were open only at a local level in the past.   ……




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