
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:西南交通大学出版社  作者:欣羚,李海 著  页数:159  


  《大学英语自主阅读教程》是根据《大学英语课程教学要求》以及当前我国普通高等院校大学英语教学实际编写的一套理念创新、内容实用、体系科学并具时代特色的全新系列公共英语泛读教材。它是一套由纸质教材、配套光盘和网络教学系统组成的立体化教材,旨在通过地道生动的语言、实用丰富的知识、立体互动的技能训练,并充分利用现代多媒体技术,为学生打造完善的自主式学习环境,为教师提供现代化的教学监控手段,从而实现过程性评估与终结性评估相结合的综合教学评估体系。  全套教材共分四级(一至四级)。《大学英语自主阅读教程(第1册)》共分15个单元。每单元由一篇快速阅读、三篇深度阅读和一篇美文赏析组成,配有包括判断、选择、简短问答、翻译、15选10等题型在内的多种练习,兼顾英语四、六级考试阅读题型,形式灵活。  本教材可供大学非英语专业学生基础阶段使用,也适合具有一定英语基础的其他英语学习者自学。


Unit OnePart I  Skimming and ScanningFive Tips for Effective LearningPart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart III Appreciation and RecitationWhat Is Life About?Unit TwoPart I  Skimming and ScanningThe 7 Keys to Turning Bad Habits into Good HabitsPart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart III Appreciation and RecitationOn Being PunctualUnit ThreePart I  Skimming and ScanningTips for You to Move towards LovePart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart III Appreciation and RecitationMirror, Mirror——What Do I SeeUnit FourPart I  Skimming and ScanningTips and Advice for WorkaholicsPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart III Appreciation and RecitationHow Important Is Money ?Unit FivePart I  Skimming and ScanningSpotlight on CopenhagenPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart III Appreciation and RecitationFacing the Enemies WithinUnit SixPart I  Skimming and ScanningLessons on Making Smooth Transitions in LifePart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart III Appreciation and RecitationYesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is a Mystery and Today Is a GiftUnit SevenPart I  Skimming and ScanningFive Questions That Will Save You Time and MoneyPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart III Appreciation and RecitationGeneration GapUnit EightPart I  Skimming and ScanningThe Joy of SOHO: Making a Life While Making a LivingPart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart III Appreciation and RecitationThink Positive Thoughts Every DayUnit NinePart I  Skimming and ScanningSeven Secrets to a Great LifePart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart III Appreciation and RecitationThe Important Things in LifeUnit TenPart I Skimming and ScanningFitness Is a JourneyPart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart III Appreciation and RecitationCreativityUnit ElevenPart I  Skimming and ScanningHow to Achieve Your Goals?Part II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart III Appreciation and RecitationWe Are on a Journey (Excerpt)Unit TwelvePart I  Skimming and ScanningSeven Ways We Hurt Our Romantic RelationshipsPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart III Appreciation and RecitationGetting a Thorough Understanding of OneselfUnit ThirteenPart I  Skimming and ScanningHow to Be YourselfPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart III Appreciation and RecitationThe Splashes of LifeUnit FourteenPart I  Skimming and ScanningChristmas in the UKPart II Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart III Appreciation and RecitationTo Learn with SuccessUnit FifteenPart I  Skimming and ScanningAll about DreamsPart II  Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart III Appreciation and RecitationThe Rewards of Living a Solitary Life (Excerpt)Glossary



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