
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:上海财经大学出版社有限公司  作者:景平 主编,王芳良,罗敏副 主编  




Part Ⅰ  Logistics English  Unit One  Logistics  Unit Two  Supply Chain Strategy  Unit Three  Distribution Strategy Improvement  Unit Four  Customer Service Improvement  Unit Five  WarehouSing  Unit Six  Transportation Management  Unit Seven  ProcurementPart Ⅱ  Freight Forwarding English  Unit Eight  An Introduction to International Freight Forwarding  Unit Nine  Containerized Transportation  Unit Ten  Shipping Documents  Unit Eleven  An Introduction to Freight Forwarding Companies  Unit Twelve  Enquiry and Quotation  Unit Thirteen  Communications in Daily Practical Work  Unit Fourteen  Agency AgreementAppendix  Abbreviations and Def'mitions Used in Daily CommunicationKey to the ExercisesReferences


  For any company that produces or distributes a product to the market,their dis.tribution network iS the]ifeline via which their products are delivered.As a compari.son,the distribution network can be likened to the body’S circulatory system.Ourbodies require oxygen to survive,just as our customers require our products to main.tain their business.To transport the oxygen the body has blood;the distribution net.work has trucks,trains and boats. So if distribution networks are so essential to keeping businesses alive,why doSO many companies neglect them?These networks are often outdated,inefficient andnot cost.effective.To change the network requires detailed analysis,research,plan.ning,and some setup costs.The task is not easy;but,if we were experiencing simi.1ar physical problems,we would not take years to visit the doctor.If we did,simplecurable illnesses may tum out to be much more serious’and possibly grave.  So what drives companies to examine and change their distribution networks?Many companies realize that inadequate distribution networks result in inefficientmethods of storing and shipping their products.Improving their distribution networkscan be an opportunity to reduce costs,while at the same time improve service.




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