
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:怀特  




作者:(美国)怀特(White T.)  怀特(White T.),Cloudera工程师兼Apache软件基金会成员,自2007年2月起成为ApacheHadoop代码提交者。他为oreilly网、java网和IBMdeveloperWorks撰写了大量文章,还经常在业界会议上作Hadoop主题演讲。


Foreword Preface 1. Meet Hadoop Data! Data Storage and Analysis Comparison with Other Systems Rational Database Management System Grid Computing Volunteer Computing A Brief History of Hadoop Apache Hadoop and the Hadoop Ecosystem Hadoop Releases What's Covered in This Book Compatibility 2. MapReduce A Weather Dataset Data Format Analyzing the Data with Unix Tools Analyzing the Data with Hadoop Map and Reduce Java MapReduce Scaling Out Data Flow Combiner Functions Running a Distributed MapReduce Job Hadoop Streaming Ruby Python Hadoop Pipes Compiling and Running 3. The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem The Design of HDFS HDFS Concepts Blocks Namenodes and Datanodes HDFS Federation HDFS High-Availability The Command-Line Interface Basic Filesystem Operations Hadoop Filesystems Interfaces The Java Interface Reading Data from a Hadoop URL Reading Data Using the FileSystem API Writing Data Directories Querying the Filesystem Deleting Data Data Flow Anatomy of a File Read Anatomy of a File Write Coherency Model Data Ingest with Flume and Sqoop Parallel Copying with distcp Keeping an HDFS Cluster Balanced Hadoop Archives Using Hadoop Archives Limitations 4. Hadoop I/O Data Integrity Data Integrity in HDFS LocalFileSystem ChecksumFileSystem Compression Codecs Compression and Input Splits Using Compression in MapReduce Serialization The Writable Interface Writable Classes Implementing a Custom Writable Serialization Frameworks Avro Avro Data Types and Schemas In-Memory Serialization and Deserialization Avro Datafiles Interoperability Schema Resolution Sort Order Avro MapReduce Sorting Using Avro MapReduce Avro MapReduce in Other Languages File-Based Data Structures SequenceFile MapFile 5. Developing a MapReduce Application The Configuration API Combining Resources Variable Expansion Setting Up the Development Environment Managing Configuration GenericOptionsParser, Tool, and ToolRunner Writing a Unit Test with MRUnit Mapper Reducer Running Locally on Test Data Running a Job in a Local Job Runner Testing the Driver Running on a Cluster Packaging a Job Launching a Job The MapReduce Web UI Retrieving the Results Debugging a Job Hadoop Logs Remote Debugging Tuning a Job Profiling Tasks MapReduce Workflows Decomposing a Problem into MapReduce Jobs JobControl Apache Oozie 6. How MapReduce Works Anatomy of a MapReduce Job Run Classic MapReduce (MapReduce 1) YARN (MapReduce 2) Failures Failures in Classic MapReduce Failures in YARN Job Scheduling The Fair Scheduler The Capacity Scheduler Shuffle and Sort The Map Side The Reduce Side Configuration Tuning Task Execution The Task Execution Environment Speculative Execution Output Committers Task JVM Reuse Skipping Bad Records 7. MapReduceTypes and Formats MapReduce Types The Default MapReduce Job Input Formats Input Splits and Records Text Input Binary Input Multiple Inputs Database Input (and Output) Output Formats Text Output Binary Output Multiple Outputs Lazy Output Database Output 8. MapReduce Features Counters Built-in Counters User-Defined Java Counters …… 9. Settinq Up a Hadoop Cluster 10. Administering Hadoop 11. Pig 12. Hive 13. HBase 14. ZooKeeper 15. Sqoop 16. Case Studies A. Installing Apache Hadoop  B. Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop C. Preparing the NCDC Weather Data Index


版权页:   Furthermore, blocks fit well with replication for providing fault tolerance and availa-bility. To insure against corrupted blocks and disk and machine failure, each block is replicated to a small number of physically separate machines (typically three). If a block becomes unavailable, a copy can be read from another location in a way that is trans-parent to the client. A block that is no longer available due to corruption or machine failure can be replicated from its alternative locations to other live machines to bring the replication factor back to the normal level. (See "Data Integrity" on page 81 for more on guarding against corrupt data.) Similarly, some applications may choose to set a high replication factor for the blocks in a popular file to spread the read load on the cluster. Like its disk filesystem cousin, HDFS's fsck command understands blocks. For exam-ple, running: hadoop fsck / -files -blocks will list the blocks that make up each file in the filesystem. (See also "Filesystem check (fsck)" on page 347.) Namenodes and Datanodes An HDFS cluster has two types of nodes operating in a master-worker pattern: a name-node (the master) and a number of datanodes (workers). The namenode manages the filesystem namespace. It maintains the filesystem tree and the metadata for all the files and directories in the tree. This information is stored persistently on the local disk in the form of two files: the namespace image and the edit log. The namenode also knows the datanodes on which all the blocks for a given file are located; however, it does not store block locations persistently, because this information is reconstructed from datanodes when the system starts. A client accesses the filesystem on behalf of the user by communicating with the name-node and datanodes. The client presents a filesystem interface similar to a Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), so the user code does not need to know about the namenode and datanode to function.


《Hadoop权威指南(影印版)(第3版)(修订版)》中你可以找到富有启发意义的实际案例分析,它们展示了Hadoop用于解决特定问题的各种方式。第三版涵盖了Hadoop近期更新内容,包括新的MapReduce API相关资料,还有MapReduce2及其更加灵活的执行模型(YARN)。




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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   书质量很好内容也很好用的是hadoop1.0.0,比较新,而且相比之前的版本,错误少了很多,推荐!第三版的是先介绍新版本的API再介绍老版本的API,个人感觉这样比之前的版本好!
  •   不必说,必须好评,:-)
  •   还不错呢,要是能够有翻译过来就就更好了
  •   全英文的书,我的英语不太好。嗯···,不能说书不好吧
  •   就是需要英文版的,有些译本难免有些让人费解之处。非常有用的一本本书
  •   I bought this book as a very experienced programmer but no prior experience with Hadoop, which I need to come up to speed on for a new project. I am extremely disappointed in the book and feel I wasted my money. If there's one thing you want from a book on a new technology, it's the ability to get a basic "Hello World" equivalent program running, from which you can then start iterating. This book completely falls down on this most basic requirement - when you get to the very first example program in the book, it tells you that you need to first compile a bunch of example code from the ...book's website. That shouldn't be required, but ok, whatever. Then when you go to the book's website, you are told that you first need to install a bunch of extra stuff covered later in the book before you can compile the libraries apparently needed to get anything at all to run. This really makes no sense at all - there's no way I should be having to read all the later chapters to figure out what these things are in order to get my very first example program running. Tossed it into the trash and off in search of a resource done by someone who understands how to structure a tutorial properly. 阅读更多 ›
  •   听说这本书评价很不错,买来学习下...
  •   印刷质量很一般,不如下个电子版复印
  •   是英文版本,看不懂,选择退货
  •   写的 很好 !!看起来 有点点 吃力!
  •   不错,可以当作介绍的看看
  •   这个影印版的原价这么比中文第二版高,但是折扣却比较厉害。看着还不错~Hadoop慢慢学吧
  •   是不是影印版的都这样呢, 可以看出手本身是正版的,只是纸张质量不敢恭维
  •   纸张太软了,颜色有点灰,估计只能比一般的盗版小说纸张稍微厚点。看在 有优惠,48块买的份上,只能给3颗星。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
