
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:菲茨杰拉德  




作者:(美国)菲茨杰拉德(Michael Fitzgerald)  Michael Fitzgerald,程序员兼技术顾问,为O'Reilly和JohnWiley&Sons出版社编写过多部技术书籍,还为O'ReillyNetwork撰写过多篇文章。他是XML RELAX NG schema语言的创始成员之一。


Preface 1. What Is a Regular Expression? Getting Started with Regexpal Matching a North American Phone Number Matching Digits with a Character Class Using a Character Shorthand Matching Any Character Capturing Groups and Back References Using Quantifiers Quoting Literals A Sample of Applications What You Learned in Chapter 1 Technical Notes 2. Simple Pattern Matching Matching String Literals Matching Digits Matching Non-Digits Matching Word and Non-Word Characters Matching Whitespace Matching Any Character, Once Again Marking Up the Text Using sed to Mark Up Text Using Perl to Mark Up Text What You Learned in Chapter 2 Technical Notes 3. Boundaries  The Beginning and End of a Line Word and Non-word Boundaries Other Anchors Quoting a Group of Characters as Literals Adding Tags Adding Tags with sed Adding Tags with Perl What You Learned in Chapter 3 Technical Notes 4. Alternation, Groups, and Backreferences Alternation Subpatterns Capturing Groups and Backreferences Named Groups Non-Capturing Groups Atomic Groups What You Learned in Chapter 4 Technical Notes 5. (haraaer (lasses Negated Character Classes Union and Difference POSIX Character Classes What You Learned in Chapter 5 Technical Notes 6. Matching Unicode and Other Characters Matching a Unicode Character Using vim Matching Characters with Octal Numbers Matching Unicode Character Properties Matching Control Characters What You Learned in Chapter 6 Technical Notes 7. Quantifiers Greedy, Lazy, and Possessive Matching with *, +, and ? Matching a Specific Number of Times Lazy Quantifiers Possessive Quantifiers What You Learned in Chapter 7 Technical Notes 8. Lookarounds Positive Lookaheads Negative Lookaheads Positive Lookbehinds Negative Lookbehinds What You Learned in Chapter 8 Technical Notes 9. Marking Up a Document with HTML Matching Tags Transforming Plain Text with sed Substitution with sed Handling Roman Numerals with sed Handling a Specific Paragraph with sed Handling the Lines of the Poem with sed Appending Tags Using a Command File with sed Transforming Plain Text with Perl Handling Roman Numerals with Perl Handling a Specific Paragraph with Perl Handling the Lines of the Poem with Perl Using a File of Commands with Perl What You Learned in Chapter 9 Technical Notes 10. The End ofthe Beginning  Learning More Notable Tools, Implementations, and Libraries Perl PCRE Ruby (Oniguruma) Python RE2 Matching a North American Phone Number Matching an Email Address What You Learned in Chapter 10 Appendix: Regular Expression Reference Regular Expression Glossary Index


版权页:   插图:   Capturing Groups and Back References You'll now match just a portion of the phone number using what is known as a cap-turing group. Then you'll refer to the content of the group with a backreference. Tocreate a capturing group, enclose a \d in a pair of parentheses to place it in a group,and then follow it with a \1 to backreference what was captured: (\d)\d\1. The \1 refers back to what was captured in the group enclosed by parentheses. As aresult, this regular expression matches the prefix 707. Here is a breakdown of it: (\d) matches the first digit and captures it (the number 7) \d matches the next digit (the number 0) but does not capture it because it is notenclosed in parentheses \1 references the captured digit (the number 7) This will match only the area code. Don't worry if you don't fully understand this rightnow. You'll see plenty of examples of groups later in the book. You could now match the whole phone number with one group and severalbackreferences: (\d)0\1\D\d\d\1\D\1\d\d\d But that's not quite as elegant as it could be. Let's try something that works even better. Using Quantifiers Here is yet another way to match a phone number using a different syntax:The numbers in the curly braces tell the regex processor exactly how many occurrencesof those digits you want it to look for. The braces with numbers are a kind of quanti-fier. The bracesthemselves are considered metacharacters.






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