
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:张建宁 主编  页数:175  字数:230000  


  《新编大学英语基础听力进阶》是根据教育部最新颁发的《大学英语教学大纲》和《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,结合普通专科、民办院校学生的特点以及教学对象的英语水平,按以下原则编写的:  1.《新编大学英语基础听力进阶》仍然着重听力的基础技能培训。开始阶段仍然以学生熟悉的题材为主,难度逐渐提高,信息量逐渐加大,题材逐渐多样,答题的速度和难度逐渐提高。  2.所选材料注重内容的趣味性、信息性、可思性和前瞻性,同时也注重语言的规范性、实用性。  3.在培养学生听懂基本语言单位(如语音,字母,数字,单词,句型等)的基础上,逐步增强学生在语篇水平上的理解能力和熟练程度,提高他们对所听内容的分析,归纳,综合和推断能力。  4.教材练习的题型丰富多样,其中包括英语应用能力考试(A级)和大学英语四级考试新题型模拟真题(Test yourself),力求从多方面训练和提高学生的听力理解能力。  5.《新编大学英语基础听力进阶》增加了相关信息(Related Information)部分,希望学生在老师的指导下,了解与主题相关的语言内容,并可以进行适当的口头表达能力的基本训练。


Unit 1 A Good Beginning is Half Done
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Numbers
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: A Good Beginning is Half Done
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Advice for "Kid"
Unit 2 Have a Nice Day!
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Numbers
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Have a Nice Day!
Part Ⅲ Tesf Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Height, Not Length
Unit 3 East, West, Home is the Best
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Locations
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: East, West, Home is the Best
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Heaven and Hell
Unit 4 Be at Home Anywhere
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for House Renting
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Be at Home Anywhere
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: They are Very Well Behaved
Unit5 Dining Out (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Time
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Dining Out (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun. Want a Day off
Unit 6 Dining Out (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Time
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Dining Out (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Your Horse Called
Unit7 Ups and Downs (I)
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Main Ideas
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Ups and Downs (Ⅰ)
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: I Pay That Man to Think
Unit 8 Ups and Downs (Ⅱ)
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Main Ideas
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Ups and Downs(Ⅰ)
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Message from God
Unit 9 Would You Like To Go Out With Me?
Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Key Words
Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Watching a Film
Part Ⅲ Test Yourself
Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: As Small As Ants



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