
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:汪小祥 编  页数:226  


  《中学英语深阅读》借鉴“任务型学习(task-basedreading)”的原则。每单元围绕一个主题,篇目选文是中学生感兴趣的话题和国内外最新热点。突出视角的独特性、文意的趣味性、知识性和场景的真实性。  《点津英语阅读系列:中学英语深度阅读(高2篇)》内容丰富,题型多样。深度层层递进,适用中学生认知水平。题型紧扣中、高考真题形式,着重在语法词汇和语言知识点运用及考点的把握上,在NOTES部分做了详细的解析供学生强化学习。


Unit 1 Friendship and CommunicationA Making Friends OnlineB Family ReunionC Keeping SecretsD Preparations for Wedding BanquetsUnit 2 Environment Protection and Sustainable DevelopmentA Poverty Effect on MeB Poverty in LcbanonC Global Climate ChangeD How to Solve Food ShortageUnit 3 HealthA How I Lost Weight and Found MyselfB Methods to Reduce Pressure and Live a Happy LifeC How to Keep FitD InfluenzaUnit 4 HappinessA HappinessB Enjoying Your LifeC My LoveD A Happy Story of Virtue RewardedUnit 5 UnderstandingA Gender Differences in LanguageB Differences between Urban and Rural LifeC My Current BoyfriendD The Life of Baby BoomersUnit 6 GlobalizationA Transportation DevelopmentB APECC NATOD Why American Aid Workers in Pakistan Nccd to Kecp a Low ProfilcUnit 7 Scientific and Technological DevelopmentA Human CloningB Exhibitions of Japanese New TechnologyC Life in the FutureD Toyota's Hybrid Prius Tops October Sales in JapanUnit 8 SavingA Recycling WastesB Energy-~ving AppliancesC Energy-saving LightsD Energy Saving WeekUnit 9 Computers and NetworkA My Love Affair with lnternet P, adioB Computer CrimesC The Use of Computers1) Sony Corp's Digital E-book ReaderUnit 10 Public TransportationA The American Public Transportation AssociationB Ways to Solve Traffic ProblemsC A Car Accident :D Killers:Motor-carsUnit 11 Literature and MoviesA Bruce LiB Harry PotterC The Old Man and the SeaD China Film IndustryUnit 12 ArtsA Michael JacksonB A Valuable PictureC HamletD PicassoAnswer key





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