Bilin ggual Physics With Multimedia 大学物理引论

出版时间:2010-9  出版社:东南大学  作者:恽瑛  页数:388  


该课题组在开展此项教学研究工作中,精心制作了《大学物理多媒体光盘》(英文版)并多次修改完善,在多年的教学实践中收到了很好的教学效果。同时,此套教学用光盘也得到了不少国内外知名物理学家的赞许。最近,该课题组又正式推出了“双语物理导论”课程的依托教材——《Bilingual Physics with Multimedia》(《大学物理引论》(双语多媒体教材))。该教材将动态的视频、音频的光盘,与静态的英文文字教材有机结合起来,是一项新颖而有益的尝试。此外,该教材还辅以适度的参考译文及英语词汇,这些译文和词汇是编者们根据多年的教学实践而编纂的,相信会对我国的双语教学有所帮助和促进。在此,我愿向广大的物理教师推荐此教材,并祝各位教师在采用此教材的双语物理教学中取得更多的业绩!




Chapter1 Vectors  0.Learning Objectives  1.CD-ROM    CD-ROM 1-1 Angular Velocity Vector    CD-ROM 1-2 Inertial Centrifugal Force  2.Selected Materials    1-1 Vectors and Scalars    1-2 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors by Geometrical Methods    1-3 Analytic Method for Adding Vectors:Components    1-4 The Scalar Product    1-5 The Vector Product    Summary  3.参考译文Reference Translations    1-1 矢量和标量    1-5 矢量积  4.英语词汇English Vocabulary  5.课外作业HomeworkChapter 2 Relative Motion Center of Mass  0.Learning Objectives  1.CD-ROM    CD-ROM 1-3Relative Motion    CD-ROM 1-4 Center of Mass  2.Selected Materials    2-1 Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems    2-2 Relative Velocity    2-3 Center of Mass    2-4 Newton's Second Law for a System of Particles    Summary  3.参考译文Reference Translations    2-1 参考系和坐标系    2-3 质心    2-4 质点系的牛顿第二定律  4.英语词汇English Vocabulary  5.课外作业HomeworkChapter 3 Momentum and Energy  0.Learning Objectives  1.CD-ROM    CD-ROM 1-5 Theorem of Linear Momentum    CD-ROM 1-6 Law of Conservation of Momentum  2.Selected Materials    3-1 Linear Momentum Theorem of Momentum    3-2 Conservation of Linear Momentum    3-3 Work and Energy    3-4 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem    3-5 Potential Energy    3-6 Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy    Summary  3.参考译文Reference Translations    3-1 线动量动量原理    3-6 机械能守恒定律  4.英语词汇English Vocabulary  5.课外作业HomeworkChapter 4 Motion of Rigid Body  0.Learning Objectives  1.CDIROM    CD-ROM 1-7Moment of Inertia    CD-ROM 1-8Conservation of Angular Momentum    CD-ROM 1-9 Precession  2.Selected Materials    4-1 Rotational Motion Angular Quantities    4-2 Torque Moment of Inertia    4-3 Angular Momentum    4-4 Conservation of Angular Momentum    Summary  3.参考译文Reference Translations    4-1 转动角量    4-2 力矩转动惯量  4.英语词汇English Vocabulary  5.Homework课外作业Chapter 5 Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 6 Ware MotionChapter 7 Interference of LightChapter 8 Diffraction of LightChapter 9 Polarization of LightChapter 10 Electromagnetism(Ⅰ)Chapter 11 Electromagnetism(Ⅱ)Chapter 12 Theory of Special RelativityChapter 13 Quantum PhysicsChapter 14 Semi-conductor LaserChapter 15 Nuclear Physics


插图:Holography is a technique for recording and reproducing an image of an object without the use of lenses. Unlike the two-dimensional images recorded by an ordinary photograph or a television system, a holographic image is truly three-dimensional. Such an image can be viewed from different directions to reveal different views, and from various distances to reveal changing perspective.The basic procedure for making a hologram is very simple in principle. A possible arrangement is shown in fig. 8-12a. We illuminate the object to be holographied with a monochromatic light, and we place a photographic film so that it is struck by scattered light from the object and also by direct light from the source. In practice, the source must be a laser, for reasons to be discussed later. Interference between the direct and scattered light leads to the formation and recording of a complex interference pattern on the film.To form the images, we simply project laser light through the developed film, as shown in fig. 8-12b. Two images are formed, a virtual image on the side of the film near the source, and a real image on the opposite side.






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  •   学英语其实不需要书,网上可以找到很多东西。但是网上东西太多了,还不如买本书,限制一下自己的学习范围。这本书附了一张光盘,光盘上的视频用现在一些流行的的播放器无法播放,拷贝到我的MP4里面也无法播放,不过用光盘上的RealPlayer10GOLD可以播放。

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