
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:卢思源,周孟华,王仙凤,等 编  页数:162  


  在英语教学中,我们一直强调听、说、读、写四种能力并重。根据我国的国情,我们认为阅读能力是英语水平的主要标志。在学习英语过程中,要提高阅读能力应该注重三种阅读方法:精读、泛读和快速阅读。本套教材就是要帮助高职高专等大学基础阶段的学生强化英语快速阅读的能力。  在母语环境中,我们进行阅读出于多种原因,其中兴趣是很重要的一个原因。然而,在以学习为目的的外语阅读中,阅读往往是一种能力的培养。我国的英语学习者在阅读中,比较偏重于词汇和语法,久而久之会养成逐词逐句地死抠词义和句子结构的坏习惯。有些学生简直是在破译“密电码”,结果对阅读的兴趣荡然无存。因此,我们以为,学生在阅读过程中应该注重阅读内容,并且养成快速阅读的能力。根据语言学家和外语教学者的研究,在保证理解阅读材料70%,的情况下,阅读速度越快越好。为此,我们编写了本套教材,旨在帮助英语学习者强化阅读兴趣,提高阅读速度和能力。  本书是根据教育部高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会2009年最新颁布的《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求》而编写的。本书具备以下特点:  1.选材广泛、内容丰富,注重科学性、知识性、趣味性。题材灵活多样,情节生动。  2.所选材料语言地道,难度深浅适中。目的是帮助学生尽早、尽快接触到原汁原味的语言,有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们养成自觉阅读的习惯和能力。  3.每个单元均由题材相近的3篇500词左右的短文组成,每篇短文各附有两个练习,练习形式多样。3篇短文之后还附有一篇relevant reading,以及与该单元中心主题相关的三四十个词语,这些词语是从“联想”(association)出发,结合关联词场(association field)的理论而编写出来的。  4.所选文章的语言适合快速阅读,又适合朗读和背诵,将培养快速阅读技巧、阅读理解能力和养成背诵范文的良好习惯融为一体。


  在英语教学中,我们一直强调听、说、读、写四种能力并重。根据我国的国情,我们认为阅读能力是英语水平的主要标志。在学习英语过程中,要提高阅读能力应该注重三种阅读方法:精读、泛读和快速阅读。本套教材就是要帮助高职高专等大学基础阶段的学生强化英语快速阅读的能力。  在母语环境中,我们进行阅读出于多种原因,其中兴趣是很重要的一个原因。然而,在以学习为目的的外语阅读中,阅读往往是一种能力的培养。我国的英语学习者在阅读中,比较偏重于词汇和语法,久而久之会养成逐词逐句地死抠词义和句子结构的坏习惯。有些学生简直是在破译“密电码”,结果对阅读的兴趣荡然无存。因此,我们以为,学生在阅读过程中应该注重阅读内容,并且养成快速阅读的能力。根据语言学家和外语教学者的研究,在保证理解阅读材料70%,的情况下,阅读速度越快越好。为此,我们编写了本套教材,旨在帮助英语学习者强化阅读兴趣,提高阅读速度和能力。


Unit One Campus LifePassage One The Young GenerationPassage Two DreamPassage Three Princeton UniversityMore Information about Campus LifeUnit Two EducationPassage One Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on EducationPassage Two ChildrenS Language LearningPassage Three Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?More Information about EducationUnit Three Natural EnvironmentPassage One Plants and ManPassage Two About the SeaPassage Three One Way to Deal with the Increasing Human PopulationMore Information about Natural EnvironmentUnit Four Social Customs and PracticesPassage One Tea DrinkingPassage Two Life Going CasualPassage Three Fathers DayMore Intormation about Social Customs and PracticesUnit Five Study AbroadPassage One Exchange-student ProgrammesPassage Two Study at the Open UniversityPassage Three Foreign ExchangeMore Information about Study AbroadUnit Six AdvertisementPassage One“Help Wanted”AdvertisementsPassage Two Advertisements for English StudiesPassage Three Usefulness of AdvertisementsMore Information about AdvertisementUnit Seven HealthPassage One TVs HarmfulnessPassage Two Strictly Ban SmokingPassage Three Studies Show U.S.Spending doesnt Get HealthMore Information about HeahhUnit Eight EmotionPassage One I Love YouPassage Two My BrotherPassage Three An Observation and ExplanationMore Information about EmotionUnit Nine EconomyPassage One The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under ControlPassage Two MulesPassage Three BrandsMore Information about EconomyUnit Ten TravelingPassage One The Only Way to Travel Is on FootPassage Two Does Vacation Cost a Lot?Passage Three The National TrustMore Information about TravelingUnit Eleven Science and TechnologyPassage One Who Is More Intelligent?Passage Two The Gene IndustryPassage Three Will We Take Vacation in Space?More Information about Science and TechnologyUnit Twelve Bnsiness CommunicationPassage One Meditation in Indonesian BusinessPassage Two Different CommunicationsPassage Three How to Make a Good ImpressionMore Information about Business CommunicationUnit Thirteen SportsPassage One NBAPassage Two MountaineeringPassage Three Dangerous ExperienceMore Information about SpotsUnit Fourteen Cyber LifePassage One Crime in ComputerPassage Two E-mail ManagementPassage Three Interuet ShoppingMore Information about Cyber LifeUnit Fifteen Historic Events and PersonsPassage One Holmes KnowledgePassage Two O.HenryPassage Three Vanity PublishingMore Intormation about Historie Events and PersonsUnit Sixteen FashionPassage One Women and FashionsPassage Two Pop Stars Earn MuchPassage Three S.H.E.More Information about Fashion参考答案


  Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were.The samecomment is made from generation to generation and it is always true.It has never been truer than it is today.The young are better educated.They have a lot more money tospend and enjoy more freedom.They grow up more quickly and are not SO dependent ontheir parents.They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas oftheir elders.Events which the older generation remember vividly are nothing more thanpast history.This is as it should be.Every new gerleration is different from the one that precedes it.Today the difference is very marked indeed. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they havebeen around a bit longer.They dont like to feel that their values are being questioned orthreatened.And this is precisely what the young are doing.They question the assumptions of their elders and disturb their complacency(自鸣得意,自满情结).Office hours,for instance,are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldnt people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility,9 And what aboutclothing,9 Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convicthaircuts.9 If we ruin our minds to more serious matters.who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means,9 Why have the older generation SO often used violence to solve their problems,9 Why are they soun happy and guilt-ridden(负罪感)in their personal lives,SO obsessed with meanambitions and the desire to amass(积累,积聚)more and more material possessions?Can anything be fight with the rat-race.9 Havent the old lost touch with alt that is important in life?



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