出版时间:2010-5 出版社:东南大学出版社 作者:张虹 主编 页数:156 字数:210000
在英语教学中,我们一直强调听、说、读、写四种能力并重。根据我国的国情,我们认为阅读能力是英语水平的主要标志。在学习英语过程中,要提高阅读能力应该注重三种阅读方法:精读、泛读和快速阅读。本套教材就是要帮助高职高专等大学基础阶段的学生强化英语快速阅读的能力。 在母语环境中,我们进行阅读出于多种原因,其中兴趣是很重要的一个原因。然而,在以学习为目的的外语阅读中,阅读往往是一种能力的培养。我国的英语学习者在阅读中,比较偏重于词汇和语法,久而久之会养成逐词逐句地死抠词义和句子结构的坏习惯。有些学生简直是在破译“密电码”,结果对阅读的兴趣荡然无存。因此,我们以为,学生在阅读过程中应该注重阅读内容,并且养成快速阅读的能力。根据语言学家和外语教学者的研究,在保证理解阅读材料70%的情况下,阅读速度越快越好。为此,我们编写了本套教材,旨在帮助英语学习者强化阅读兴趣,提高阅读速度和能力。 本书是根据教育部高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会2009年最新颁布的《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求》编写的。本书具备以下特点: 1.选材广泛、内容丰富,注重科学性、知识性、趣味性。题材灵活多样,情节生动。 2.所选材料语言地道,难度深浅适中。目的是帮助学生尽早、尽快接触到原汁原味的语言,有利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们养成自觉阅读的习惯和能力。
本教材严格按照《高职高专英语教学基本要求》(修订稿),选编了15个单元的文章共45篇,题材丰富,体裁多样,供高职高专以及大学基础阶段的学生训练快速阅读使用。 本教材在某种程度上能够适应学生们的需求,既能促进他们的阅读习惯和能力,又能开阔他们的视野;对于使用此教材的教师而言,为他们提供了更大的教学空间,书中所选的文章是课本教学的补充和延伸,可以供课堂教学选用,也可作为课外阅读之用。
Unit One Colleges and Universities Basic Reading Skills ( 1 ) Passage One Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Education Passage Two Being a Woman Scientist Passage Three Universities Branch OutUnit Two Cyber World Basic Reading Skills (2) Passage One Laptop Computers Passage Two A Normal Business Man Passage Three Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting OnlineUnit Three Traveling Basic Reading Skills( 3 ) Passage One Munich Beer Festival Passage Two Architectural Differences Cause Confusion Passage Three CIA in AmericaUnit Four Science and Technology Basic Reading Skills(4) Passage One Anesthetics Passage Two Distinct Shifts in the Preferred Methods for Infant Care Passage Three How to Be a Smart Online ShopperUnit Five Culture and Education Basic Reading Skills (5) Passage One Culture, One of the Most Challenging Elements Passage Two Part-time Education or Distance Learning Passage Three What We can Play withUnit Six Health Basic Reading Skills (6) Passage One Welfare Reform in Athens County Passage Two Why Cream Goes Bad Faster than Butter Passage Three Babies Prove Sound LearnersUnit Seven Business Basic Reading Skills (7) Passage One The Business of America is Business Passage Two Newspaper in These Days Passage Three Media Selection for AdvertisementsUnit Eight Emotion Basic Reading Skills ( 8 ) Passage One Motivation in Learning a Language Passage Two I Yelled for My Father Passage Three Suicide Rate in Asian CountriesUnit Nine Mental Health Basic Reading Skills (9) Passage One The Lefkoe Method Passage Two Meditation Can Help Train Attention Passage Three The Secret of Self-controlUnit Ten Sports Basic Reading Skills (10) Passage One Words Affect Us Passage Two A Research on the Football Referees Passage Three Got a Fat Gene? Get Active!Unit Eleven Lifestyle Basic Reading Skills ( 11 ) Passage One Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms Passage Two Interpersonal Relationship Passage Three Ten Hot Dates in a Weak EconomyUnit Twelve Food and Beverage Basic Reading Skills(12) Passage One Eating for Health Passage Two Fruit Juice: Friend or Foe? Passage Three Variety for Healthy EatingUnit Thirteen Traffic and Energy Basic Reading Skills( 13 ) Passage One Nuclear Fuel-Uranium Passage Two Energy VS. Environment Passage Three The History of GPS TechnologyUnit Fourteen Money and Careers Basic Reading Skills (14) Passage One Are You Ready to Be a Writer? Passage Two Is It a Sensible Choice? Passage Three How Much Money is Enough?Unit Fifteen The World Expo Basic Reading Skills( 15 ) Passage One The Theme of Expo 2010 Passage Two Designing Concept of the Mascot--Haibao Passage Three Brief Introduction of World Expo ShanghaiKEYS
Maybe vou can!blame being fat on your genes.But there’s a way to overcome thatfamily histor)——just get three to four hours of moderate activity a day·Sound pretty.daunting(令人惊讶的)?Not for the Amish of Lancaster County,Pa.,who were the focusof a new studv on a common genetic variation that makes people more likely to gainweight.It turns out the variant’s effects can be blocked with physical activity——lots of it· Scientists believe about 30 percent of white people of European ancestry have this variant.including the Amish,and that may partly explain why SO many people fire overweight. But fighting that fat factor may be easier in the Amish communitys 19th century rurallifestvle.They don’t use cars or modern appliances. Many of the men are farmers and carpenters,and the women,who are homemakers,often care for several children. The researchers found that Amish people with the genetic variant were no more likelYto be 0verweight than those who had the regular version of the gene-as long as they gotthree to four hours of moderate activity every day.That included things like brisk walking,housecleaning and gardening. And while physical activity is recommended for just about everyone,the study suggests that people with the gene variati。n need t。be especially Vigilant(警醒的)abOUt getting exercise. “These findings emphasize the important role of physical activity in public health effons t0 combat(抗击)obesity,particularly in genetically susceptible(易受影响的)people,"the authors wrote in Mondays Archives ofInternal Medicine. Studv co-author Dr. Soren Snitker of the University of Maryland acknowledged that it’s unrealistic to expect most people to shun(避开)modern conveniences and return to a 19th centunr lifestyle for the sake of staying trim(苗条的).But he said every little bit helps.and that adding an extra few hours of activity daily might not be as hard as it seems.Instead of watching TV for a few hours at night,take a brisk walk,he suggested·Or use stairs instead of elevators,walk instead of driving,or take up a structured exercise such as swimming.