
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:张萍  页数:200  


毫无疑问,英语是一门全球语言。    在全球化给世界带来巨大影响的同时,英语作为一门语言,已然成为了全球化传播和影响的有力工具之一,成为了东西方文化交流与对话的纽带。在东西方的文化认同之路上,抑或是文化冲突之路上,英语不可或缺。    学,乃效法。识,乃辨别。在英语语言与文学研究领域,不断有新的知识需要探索,需要“学”与“识”。    新学识·英语语言与文学研究博士文丛,意在为大家呈现出近年来江苏高校教师在英语语言学与文学研究方面的最新成果,为此收录了一批具有代表性的博士论文,内容涵盖了语言学、语言教学、文学、文化以及翻译等领域,以兹为从事英语语言与文学研究的学者、教师以及学生提供参考。




ABSTRACT中文摘要LIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESABBREVIATIONSChapter One  INTRODUCTION 1.1  Introduction 1.2  Need for the Study   1.3  Significance of the Study   1.3.1  Theoretical significance    1.3.2  Methodological significance   1.3.3  Pedagogical significance 1.4  Organization of the Thesis  Chapter Two WORD ASSOCTATION IN THE MENTAL IEXICON: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE .. 2.1  Introduction 2.2  Definitions of Key Terms   2.2.1  Mental lexicon   2.2.2  Word association (WA)  Semantically-Related (SR) type  Non-Semantically-Related (non-SR) type   2.2.3  Word-Related variables      2.2.3 !  Word class  Concreteness  Word frequency 2.3  Theories and Studies on the L1 Mental Lexicon   2.3. 1  Theories of word associations in the L! mental lexicon   2.3.2 Theories related to WA patterns and word type  effects   2.3.3  Word association studies on the L1 mental lexicon  Findings of the WA general patterns in the L! mental lexicon  Previous findings about WA patterns related to  word types  Word class  Concreteness  Frequency 2.4  Theories and Studies on the L2 Mental Lexicon   2.4.1  Theories on the L2 mental lexicon  Compound vs. Coordinate  Word-Connected vs. Concept-Mediated  Shared vs. Distributed Conceptual Features   2.4.2  Empirical studies on WAs in the L2 mental lexicon       2.4.2. 1  Controversial findings of the WA patterns in the  L2 mental lexicon 1  Phonologically-Associated organization  Semantically-Dominated organization  Findings related to word type effects  Word class effect……Chpater Three  RESEARCH DESIGNChpater Four L2 MENTAL LEXICON(I):AN OVERALL PICTUREChpater Five L2 MENTAL LEXICON(II):WORK TYPE EFFECTSChpater Six L2 MENTAL LEXICON(III):PROFICIENCY EFFECTSChpater Seven  WORD ASSOCIATIONS IN THE L2 MENTAL LEXICON:CONCLUSIONReferencesAppendixes


  3. The word association patterns vary with the increase of L2 learners vocabulary proficiency. The proportion of SR association increases as proficiency improves in all of the word types, with nouns at the highest rate, verbs at the lowest rate and adjectives in between. Despite the increase in SR associations, however, a high proportion of non-SR connections still exist in all types of words even in advanced learners mental lexicon. In terms of SynR and Para R both of them increase for all of the word types. Para R expands much faster than SynR either, from the macroscopic perspective of proficiency development, or from the microscopic perspective of looking at the stimulus-word-related variables.  The findings of the study have theoretical, methodogical and pedagogical significance. Theoretically, it enriches the understanding of the nature of 1_2 mental lexicon, thus promoting the development of theories on 1_2 mental lexicon and vocabulary acquisition. The multi-dimensional empirical evidence from this study also clarifies the difference in the association patterns between the L1 and the L2 mental lexicons. Methodogically, it has proposed an improved stimulus-word list and redassified association responses into a hierarchical tree diagram. Pedagogically, this study provides both language teachers and learners with necessary information to help better use of vocabulary teaching and learning strategies; it is also helpful for L2 dictionary compilers to take into consideration in the learner dictionary compiling the status of lexical- semantic networking as well as the effects of word types, instead of the traditional alphabetic entry ordering.  The present study has its weaknesses, though. Being the multi- dimensional research into Chinese EFL learners mental lexicon, one of the great challenges is to define concreteness of different word classes. Based on the present findings, longitudinal studies with qualitative analysis can be undertaken in the future to further investigate the changes of word, association patterns in terms of word types, thus to better understand the dynamic nature of L2 learners inter-language lexical development.



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