
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:莫得尼克斯  页数:144  


本书作者是一位有30年IT企业工作经验和超过12年性能测试经验的顾问。这本通俗易懂的书以真实的范例和配图例证,同时提供实用的建议。 本书详尽地解释了一个不适当的测试策略中的诸多缺陷,并提供了一套建全的、结构性的方法,以确保你的应用程序运作良好,并且在需要升级时能有效扩展。


Ian Molyneaux,Compuware公司Application Performance Assurance的EMEA SME(Subject Matter Expert,主题专家),在IT行业有超过30年的从业经验。作为一名技术专家,他回避了和管理相关的内容。


PREFACE1 WHY PERFORMANCE TEST?  What Is Performance?The End-User Perspective  Bad Performance:Why It's So Common Summary2 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF EFFECTIVE APPLICATION PERFORMANCE TESTING  Choosing and Appropriate Performance Test Environment  Setting Realistic and Appropriate Performance Targets  Making Sure Your Application is Stable Enough for Performance Testing  Obtaining a Code Freeze  Identifying and Scripting the Business-Critical Transactions  Providing Sufficient Test Data of High Quality  Ensuring Accurate Performance Test Design  Identifying the Server and Network Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)  Allocating Enough Time to Performance Test Effectively3 THE PROCESS OF PERFORMANCE TESTING  The Proof of Concept(POC)  From Requirements to Performance Test  Case Study 1:Online Banking  Case Study 2:Call Center  Summary4 INTERPRETING RESULTS:EFFECTUVE ROOT-CAUSE ANALYSIS  The Analysis Process  Types of Output from a performance Test  Root-Cause Analysis  Analysis Checklist  Summary5 APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE TESTING  Astbcgribiys Java and XML(AJAX)  Citrix  HTTP Protocol  Java  Oracle  SAP  Service-Orientated Architecture(SOA)  Web 2.0  Oddball Application Technologies:Help,My Load Testing Tool Won't Won't Record it!A TRANCTION EXAMPLESB POC AND PERFORMANCE TEST QUICK PEFERENCEC AUTOMAZ TOOL VENDORSD SAMPLE KPI MONITORING TEMPLATESE SAMPLE PROJECTINDEX


插图:Project time scales amounted to a week of lead time and three days to carry out the testingengagement.The client decided to outsource the entire testing project because of the shortschedule and lack of in-house testing expertise.The test environment required little preparation.since testing was to be carried out using thelive infrastructure.(More on this approach in Step 2.)Performance targets for online banking were limited to availability and concurrency.Theapplication had to be available and performant at a concurrent load of 1.000 virtual users.Asmentioned.the application was coping with approximately 380 concurrent users at peakperiods on a daily basis without problems.but this number was expected to increasesignificantly during the next year.Ten transactions were identified as core to the performance testing project.Input datarequirements amounted to a list of card numbers representing real user accounts and anaccompanying PIN number that provided an additional level of account security.Target datarequirements were unusually straightforward in that the live application databa.se was to beused with the caveat of no'write'or'update'transactions unless the transaction backed upany changes made to the database as its final action.The only performance test identified was a progressive ramp-up(without step)to the targetconcurrency of l,000 virtual users.Had more time been available.a ramp-up with stepvariation would have provided a more granular view of steady.state performance.Server and network KPIs focused on generic Windows performance metrics.There was norequirement to specifically monitor the application server or database layer.It subsequentlytranspired that application server monitoring would have been useful to identify poorlyperforming Java components whose presence had to be extrapolated from slow rendering ofclient-side content.


“作者Ian在本书中恰到好处地主张了厂商无关(vendor-agnostic)方法论。他的案例研究为本书提供了大量衡量标准、图片和背景资料,以具有说服力的方式传递给读者。'最重要的是方法,而工具可以灵活选择……'Ian的专业技能在整个阅读体验中可见一斑。”  ——Matt St.Onge,企业解决方案架构师,HCL Technologies America/Teradyne






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