出版时间:2007-7-1 出版社:东南大学出版社 作者:(美)鲍尔斯 页数:335
无论你是从头开始学习Java Script,还是只想复习一下,《学习Java Script》都为你提供了一条穿越Java Script内在能量与外在特性的捷径。 Java Script作为Ajax的关键部分又重新回到了聚光灯下,赋予网站更多的智能并给访客提供更有用的交互内容。Java Script亦已超越Web而蔓延至编程领域,给其他软件提供了一种便利的脚本语言。 本书中基于Web的实例展示了如何构建Java Script逻辑、如何将其与现有的对象结构相连接以及如何构建你的程序库和利用他人编写的程序库。
Preface1. Introduction and First Looks Twisted History: Specs and Implementations Cross-Browser Incompatibility and Other Common JavaScript Myths What You Can Do with JavaScript First Look at JavaScript: "Hello World!" The JavaScript Sandbox Accessibility and JavaScript Best Practices2. lavaScript Data Types and Variables Identifying Variables Scope Simple Types Constants: Named but Not Variables Questions3. Operators and Statements Format of a JavaScript Statement Simple Statements Conditional Statements and Program Flow The Conditional Operators The Logical Operators Advanced Statements: The Loops Questions4. The JavaScript Objects The Object Constructor The Number Object The String Object Regular Expressions and RegExp Purposeful Objects: Date and Math JavaScript Arrays Associative Arrays: The Arrays That Aren't Questions5. Functions Defining a Function: Let Me Count the Ways Callback Functions Functions and Recursion Nested Functions, Function Closure, and Memory Leaks Function As Object Questions6. Catching Events The Event Handler at DOM Level 0 Questions7. Forms and JiTVafidation Accessing the Form Attaching Events to Forms: Different Approaches Selection Radio Buttons and Checkboxes Input Fields and JiT Regular Expressions Questions8. The Sandbox and Beyond: Cookies, Connectivity, and Piracy . The Sandbox All About Cookies Alternative Storage Techniques Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Questions9. The Basic Browser Objects BOM at a Glance The window Object Frames and Location history, screen, and navigator The all Collection, Inner/Outer HTML and Text, and Old and New Documents Something Old, Something New Questions10. DOM: The Document Object Model A Tale of Two Interfaces The DOM and Compliant Browsers The DOM HTML API Understanding the DOM: The Core API The DOM Core Document Object Element and Access in Context Modifying the Tree Questions11. Creating Custom lavaScript Objects The JavaScript Object and Prototyping Creating Your Own Custom JavaScript Objects Object Detection, Encapsulation, and Cross-Browser Objects Chaining Constructors and JS Inheritance One-Off Objects Advanced Error-Handling Techniques (try, throw, catch) What's New in JavaScript Questions12. Building Dynamic Web Pages: Adding Style to Your Script DHTML: JavaScript, CSS, and DOM Fonts and Text Position and Movement Size and Clipping Display, Visibility, and Opacity Questions13. Moving Outside the Page with Ajax14. Good News:Juicy Libraries!Amazing Web Services!Fun APls!Appendix:AnswersIndex
作者简介: Shelley Powers是一位软件开发者、摄影师和著有多本OReilly图书的作家,她的著作有《Developing ASP Components》、《Unix Power Tools》第三版、《Essential Blogging》和《Practical RDF》等。她的第一本JavaScript著作于1996年出版,随后于1997年又出版了一本关于动态HTML(DHTML)的书。Shelley也曾为多家刊物撰写过若干篇关于跨浏览器开发、JavaScript、CSS和XML的技术文章。