
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:刘灏凌 等主编  页数:202  




Unit 1 Valentine's Day
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Supplementary Reading
Unit 2 Homeless to Harvard:The Liz Murray Story
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
Unit 3 The King's Speech
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Further Exploration
Unit 4 The Pursuit of Happiness
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Further Exploration
Unit 5 Cold Mountain
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Post-watching Tasks
Unit 6 Dead Poet's Society
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part5 Further Exploration
Unit 7 Notting Hill
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Further Exploration
Unit 8 The Chrorucles of Narnia:The Lion,the Witch and the
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Supplementary Reading
Unit 9 The Princess Diaries
 Part 1 General Introduction to the Movie
 Part 2 Understanding the Movie
 Part 3 Language Appreciation
 Part 4 Practice and Performance
 Part 5 Post-watching Tasks



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   英语电影视听 蛮好蛮快
  •   背景信息的介绍很简单,而且没有光盘,在做听力练习时,真的不方便。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
