
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:赵秀凤 编  






上册  Unit 1 Way to A Full Life充实人生    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Wind of Forgiveness      Intensive Reading Love——A Two—way Street    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Noun    Part 3 Practical Writing      A Business Card    Part 4 Office English      Following up Call after Interview  Unit 2 Philosophy of Life人生哲学    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Splashes of Life      Intensive Reading A Signal of Smoke    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Verb&Verb Phrase    Part 3 Practical Writing      Lost and Found    Part 4 Office English      Telephone Call  Unit 3 Modern Life现代生活    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading The Future of Reading--Electronic Books      Intensive Reading Robot rrhat Cleans--Inventor’s Ideal Woman    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Adj.&Adv.&Comparison    Part 3 Practical Writing      Notice    Part 4 Office English      Reception  Unit 4 Credit Crisis信用危机    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading The Credit Crunch      Intensive Reading Economic Crisis and Easy Loans    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Simple Present&Past&Future    Part 3 Practical Writing      Leave Permit    Part 4 Office English      Meeting at Airport  Unit 5 Wisdom of Life生活的智慧    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading A Puzzle of World Map      Intensive Reading A Bag of Gold    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Present&Past Progressive    Part 3 Practical Writing      Holiday Regards    Part 4 Office English      Ordering  Unit 6 Success and Happiness成功与幸福    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Look at What You Find along the Way!      Intensive Reading God’s Coffee    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Perfect&Perfect Progressive    Part 3 Practical Writing      Format of English Letter    Part 4 Office English      Schedule Arrangement  Unit 7 School Education学校教育    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading School and Education      Intensive Reading Extracurricular Activities of American Universities    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Passive Voice    Part 3 Practical Writing      Thank—you Letters    Part 4 Office English      Ask for Leave下册  Unit 8 Home of Soul心灵家园    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Home      Intensive Reading Life’s Balance    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Modal Verbs    Part 3 Practical Writing      Letter of Apology    Part 4 Office English      Promotion  Unit 9 Mental Health心理健康    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Permission t0 Fail      Intensive Reading Mental Disorders in College—Age Adults    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Infinitive&Gerund    Part 3 Practical Writing      Letters for Asking for Help    Part 4 Office English      Job Transfer  Unit 10 Economic Survey经济纵横    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading The Sun-rising Industry in Financial Crisis      Intensive Reading A Cultural Divide:While the West Axes Jobs,      Asia Cuts Pay    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Noun    Part 3 Practical Writing      Invitation Letters    Part 4 Office English      Advertising Campaign  Unit 11 Men and Women男人和女人    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Are Men More Aggressive Than Women?      Intensive Reading Women:Express Yourselves    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Subjunetive Mood    Part 3 Practical Writing      Letter of Congratulation    Part 4 Office English      Sign Contract  Unit 12 Mother’s Love母爱    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading The Essence of Mother’s Love      Intensive Reading Mother’s Hand    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Nominal Clause    Part 3 Practical Writing      Complaint Letter    Part 4 Office English      Place An Order  Unit 13 American Values美国人的价值观    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading American View on Raising Children      Intensive Reading Americans Morals    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Attributive Clause    Part 3 Practical Writing      Study Application Letters    Part 4 Office English      Asking about Production  Unit 14 Self-Understanding了解自我    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Each Has A One—off Lifetime      Intensive Reading Understanding Oneself    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Adyerbial Clause    Part 3 Practical Writing      Job Application Letters    Part 4 Office English      Claim  Unit 15 Science and Health科学与健康    Part 1 Fast&Intensive Reading      Fast Reading Why Not Eat Breakfast?      Intensive Reading Doubtful Ways to Reduce and      Increase Your Weight    Part 2 Grammar Picking      Inversion&Emphasis&the Disjunctive Question    Part 3 Practical Writing      Resume    Part 4 Office English      Request for Pay Rise







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