新思维高职高专英语 综合教程 1

出版时间:2010-8  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:沈锦坤 编  页数:205  


  综合教程属语言应用型教程分册,旨在培养学生的听说读写译综合能力。口语表达能力的训练分阶段,按照由浅入深的原则,从日常休闲与大学校园、社会热点与人生规划、职场通识与职业发展6个方面循序渐进。英语阅读能力的培养由旬段阅读理解水平向语篇阅读能力过渡,从语篇水平上强化和提高学生阅读理解能力和语言驾驭能力。同时注重基础词汇和主要语法结构等应用能力的训练,坚持翻译、写作能力的持续性训练,通过各项综合训练,培养学生用英语思考、组织、表述个人见解的能力。  本册为综合教程第一册,贴近大学生生活经验和思维水平,具有社会实用意义和一定文化影响力,从思想深度的角度进行选材,针对日常生活、社会交际的通俗话题、热点话题,培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。引导学生的英语学习从学校人向职场人转型过渡。


Unit 1 Meeting for:the/First TimeSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit2 Fashion and ShoppingSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 3 Travel ArrangementSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 4 Customs and TraditionsSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 5 Global FamilySection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 6 Compus LifeSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 7 A Parting GiftSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 8 Campus and Study EnvironmentSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 9 Healthy EatingSection One Sounds of English.Section Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information ExchangingUnit 10 Eeo-homesSection One Sounds of EnglishSection Two Language BuildingSection Three Intensive ReadingSection Four Know-how SharingSection Five Information Exchanging




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