
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:光昕,欧阳斌 主编  


本书是物流类、国际贸易类、电子商务类应用型本科专业英语教学用书。本书分为十个单元,每个单元由四部分课文、两个部分写作技巧训练、一个部分外贸单据填写训练和一个部分专项练习题组成。    第一单元国际物流,第二单元国际贸易,第三单元国际运输,第四单元国际货代,第五单元报关,第六单元海关进出口货物检验,第七单元保税仓库,第八单元国际物流信息系统,第九单元国际供应链,第十单元多式联运与集装箱,以及附件一国际结算单元,附件二缩略语,附件三参考文献。


Unit Ⅰ International Logistics  Part Ⅰ The Term of International Logistics  Part Ⅱ Managing the Global Supply Chain  Writing Skill Ⅰ Placing ATrial Order  Part Ⅲ The New Opportunities of Globalization  Part Ⅳ International Logistics Strategies  Writing Skill Ⅱ Confirming the Order  Expression Ⅰ Verb Tense  Practice Ⅰ Sales Contract  Exercise ⅠUnit Ⅱ International Trade  Part Ⅰ The Knowledge of international Trade (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅱ The Knowledge of International Trade (Ⅱ)  Writing Skill Ⅰ Quotation and Reply  Part Ⅲ International Trade Models (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅳ International Trade Models (Ⅱ)  Writing Skill Ⅱ Quotation and Reply  Expression Ⅱ Active Voice and the Passive Voice  Case Study Ⅱ Quotation......  Exercise ⅡUnit Ⅲ International Transportation  Part Ⅰ International Transportation  Part Ⅱ The Geo-strategy of International Transportation  Writing Skill Ⅰ An Email for Establishing Business Relationship from Seller  Part Ⅲ Freight Transport and Commodity Chains  Part Ⅳ Solving International Transportation Problems  Writing Skill Ⅱ A Letter for Establishing Business Relationship from Buyer  Expression Ⅲ Indefinite Formulary  Case Study Ⅲ International Settlement  Exercise ⅢUnit Ⅳ International Feeight Agency  Part Ⅰ China International Freight Forwarders Association (I)  Part Ⅱ China International Freight Forwarders Association (11)  Writing Skill Ⅰ A Request for Being Appointed as Sole Agent  Part Ⅲ The Knowledge of International Freight Forwarding Industry  Part Ⅳ A Freight Forwarder  Writing Skill Ⅱ Entrusting An Exclusive Agency  Expression Ⅳ Participle  Case Study Ⅳ Sales Confirmation  Exercise ⅣUnit Ⅴ Apply to Customs  Part Ⅰ A Customs Broker  Part Ⅱ Flow Process for Customs Declaration Formalities  Writing Skill Ⅰ UC under Contract No, 1459FD45 (I)  Part Ⅲ Cargo Security and Tax Payment  Part Ⅳ Various Types of Tariffs  Writing Skill Ⅱ UC under Contract No. 1459FD45 (11)  Expression Ⅴ Gerund  Case Study Ⅴ Customs Declaration  Exercise ⅤUnit Ⅵ Customs Import and Export Goods Inspection  Part Ⅰ Classification and Scope of the Inspection  Part Ⅱ The Required Documents for Inspection  Writing Skill Ⅰ Re. Our Order No. CK215 Covering 4000 Dozen Shirts (I)  Part Ⅲ The U. S. Customs Inspection and Duty  Part Ⅳ The Import & Export Procedure  Writing Skill Ⅱ Re. Our Order No. CK215 Covering 4000 Dozen Shirts (11)  Expression Ⅵ Verb Mood  Case Study Ⅵ Inspection and Quarantine  Exercise ⅥUnit Ⅶ Bonded Warehouse  Part Ⅰ Bonded Warehouses under Customs Act (I)  Part Ⅱ Bonded Warehouses under Customs Act (11)..:  Writing Skill Ⅰ Acceptance of Orders -.  Part Ⅲ The Customs Warehousing.Procedure (I)  Part Ⅳ The Customs Warehousing Procedure (11)  Writing Skill Ⅱ Offering Substitute  Expression Ⅶ Adverbial Clause  Case Study Ⅶ Original Certificate  Exercise ⅦUnit Ⅷ International Logistics Information SYSTEM  Part Ⅰ Logistics Information System: EliteTrax  Part Ⅱ The Importance of Logistics Information System  Writing Skill Ⅰ Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance  Part Ⅲ Logistics Information and Communication Technology  Part Ⅳ Use of EDI in the Supply Chain  Writing Skill Ⅱ Asking forA Special Rate of Insurance  Expression Ⅷ Attributive Clause  Case Study Ⅷ Transportation Bill of Document  Exercise ⅧUnit Ⅸ International Supply Chain  Part Ⅰ International Supply Chain  Part Ⅱ Supply Chain Decisions  Writing Skill Ⅰ A Transaction on Art and Craft Goods (I)  Part Ⅲ Learning and Evolving Networks  Part Ⅳ Contingency Theory  Writing Skill Ⅱ ATransaction on Art and Craft Goods (11)  Expression Ⅸ Noun Clause  Case Study Ⅸ Textile Export Licence  Exercise ⅨUnit Ⅹ Multimodal Transport and Containerization  Part Ⅰ Multimodal Transport Operations (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅱ Multimodal Transport Operations (Ⅱ)  Writing Skill Ⅰ Urging for Prompt Delivery (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ Intermodal Freight Transport and Containerization (Ⅰ).  Part Ⅳ Intermodal Freight Transport and Containerization (Ⅱ)  Writing Skill Ⅱ Urging for Prompt Delivery (Ⅱ)  Expression Ⅹ Applying of Tense  Case Study Ⅹ Other Logistics Documents  Exercise Ⅹ



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   没有中文翻译,怎么看,书不好
  •   买了这本书,看后觉得还可以,物流的缩略词基本都有,从各方面加强英语能力,挺实用的。这、
  •   书本身还是不错的,比我预计的要好些,不是 那种纯理论一片一片的,如果多些翻译就更好了,因为我英语不是很好
  •   没有想象中的实用,好似都没有货代过程涉及到的英语简称等用语

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