
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:匡宝红 著  页数:80  






Unit 1 Tourism IndustryUnit 2 On the Way to the HotelUnit 3 Tourism InformationUnit 4 Religious in ChinaUnit 5 Touring and SightseeingUnit 6 Sales and PromotionUnit 7 Noted Rivers in ChinaUnit 8 ShoppingUnit 9 Sightseeing in the FairylandUnit 10 Entertainment in ChinaUnit 11 Dealing with ComplaintsUnit 12 EntertainmentUnit 13 DepartureUnit 14 Seeing off the Guests参考答案


The melting snow from the mountains in Qinghai Province is the headwater for two importantrivers in China, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.The Yangtze River is about 6,300 kilometers in length, the longest river in China and the third longest one in the world.  It originates from the Tanggula Mountain, flows through 19 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and finally runs into the East China Sea. It has rich water resources and plentiful hydropower resources.  It forms the treasure house of rare plant species and precious aquatic animals.  It provides a great transport network for the thickly populated regions in China. Moreover, it infuses the fresh blood into China's economic development. Especially with China's reform and opening-up, the Yangtze River Economic Belt has rapidly advanced and become a new growth pole for Chinese economy.  On the Yangtze River, the famous scenic spots are the Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge), noted for their majesty, steepness and beauty.  And there the Three Gorges Dam to be completed in 2009, which will be used to generate electricity and help control flooding.





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