
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:布兰登·保罗  页数:199  


  My philosophy as a teacher of writing in China is that learning how to write well in English issimply a matter of what skills students should acquire and how they acquire them. After teaching in China for a few years, I begin to detect patterns among the thousands of papers Ive read and marked. Among these was students inability to find their own voice; a lack of understanding of what native English-speakers expect and value in writing; the repetition and so-called "stock language" and ideas used by Chinese students; the very mechanical nature of many studentswriting.


Part l Students BookUnit 1 Getting StartedUnit 2 Connection and StructureUnit 3 Description, Comparison and ContrastUnit 4 Describing a ProcessUnit 5 Describing DevelopmentsUnit 6 Describing Graphs, Tables and ChartsUnit 7 Providing Explanations and InstructionsUnit 8 Writing an ArgumentUnit 9 Writing about Problems, Consequences and SolutionsUnit 10 Writing Letters and EmailsUnit 11 Writing a NarrativeStudy SectionAdditional WorkBod Writing HabitsPart II Teachers BookIntroduction to Writing is DialogueNuts and BoltsUnit 1 Getting StartedUnit 2 Connection and StructureUnit 3 Description, Comparison and ContrastUnit 4 Describing a ProcessUnit 5 Describing DevelopmentsUnit 6 Describing Graphs, Tables and ChartsUnit 7 Providing Explanations and InstructionsUnit 8 Writing an ArgumentUnit 9 Writing about Problems, Consequences and SolutionsUnit 10 Writing Letters and EmailsUnit 11 Writing a Narrative,



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