出版时间:2009-1 出版社:北京理工大学出版社 作者:陈大明 页数:181
陈大明博士的专著《斯摩莱特的小说中游记元素的文类分析——兼与他的比较》即将出版,这是作者集多年文学与语言学功底和在北京大学攻读l 8世纪文学博士学位的数年钻研心得而写成的,它不仅是我国18世纪英国文学研究的可喜成果,而且是我们国内迄今出版的对英国著名小说家斯摩莱特和他这部杰作的第一部富有规模、有深度的专著。 长期以来,甚至时至今日,我国对英国社会转型和资本主义崛起的18世纪和它的社会、文化及文学的研究严重地滞后于欧洲和美国。20世纪后期是多元文化和文学理论兴盛之时,英国18世纪的政治和经济及美学思想、社会现象和文学作品成为各派理论解读的热门对象。学者们发现这是一片被忽视了的沃土,研究18世纪英国思想、文化和文学对当今社会的发展有重要借鉴意义。17世纪末洛克的经验主义理论引发了18世纪英国的哲学和文化思潮,后来伯克的政治主张,他和沙夫茨伯里的美学理论,苏格兰的启蒙运动、道德哲学,亚当·斯密的自由经济理论等,这些都对西方资本主义形成、繁荣以及社会秩序和道德规范的树立和维系起到了至关重要的作用。当前,我国正在大力建设有中国特色的社会主义市场经济,借鉴18世纪英国上升时期的思想文化,我以为比延续和停留在过去批判资本主义,特别是批判19世纪之后的英国资本主义和帝国主义的种种弊端,更具有现实意义。
陈大明,(1957-),1983年毕业于湖南师范学院,获文学学士学位;1989年毕业于北京大学英语系.获文学硕士学位;1990至1991年在新西兰维多利亚大学语言学系修语言学研究生课程,获语言学文凭证书:2007年毕业于北京大学外国语学院.获文学博士学位。现任北京理工大学外国语学院教授,多年受聘于教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心参与和主持多项试卷命题工作,现为教育部外语专业教学指导委员会英语分委员会委员。 近些年来,在国家核心期刊《国外文学》、《中国考试》和其他重要期刊以第一作者身份发表论文20余篇,主编出版《博士研究生英语综合教程》等教材和教学大纲12部。参与编写了《同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲》、全国哲学社会科学“八五”规划重点项目《欧洲文学史》;主持编写了《在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语考试大纲》、《全国工程硕士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲》和《全国工程硕士专业学位研究生考试英语教学大纲》等。
IntroductionⅠ. Criticism of Humphry ClinkerⅡ. Genre Analysis and Humphry ClinkerⅢ. Criticism of Travel Narrative in Humphry ClinkerⅣ. Layout of the BookPart Ⅰ Travel Narrative and Humphry Clinkeras a Fictional Travel NarrativeChapter One Features of Travel Narrative1.1 Nonfiction1.2 The First-person Narration and the NarratorChapter Two Fiction and Humphry Clinker as a Fictional Work2.1 Conventions and Imagination2.2 Fictional Elements2.3 Humphry Clinker as a Fictional Work2.3.1 Multiple Points of View2.3.2 Parallel Development2.3.3 Mixed CharacterizationPart Ⅱ Features of Travel Narrative Transformed in Humphry ClinkerChapter Three Travel Topics and Plot of ThoughtChapter Four Narrators Roles and the Fictionalizing Paradigm4.1 Narrators Switching Roles4.2 Narrators as Travel ReportersChapter Five Travel Narrative and the Implied Author5.1 “To Inform”Transformed into“To Instruct”5.2 The Moral Dimension of Travel NarrativeConclusionWorks Cited
1.1 Nonfiction About those dominant aspects of travel narrative, Vivrs raises doubts, someof which are close to those discussed and dismissed as "non-dominant aspects" by Borm and some are really Vivrss own. First, about nonfiction, Vivirs thinks: "Thetravel narrative can hardly be reduced to a mere record of notes taken daily following the chronology of the travels themselves" (102). Later Vivrs takesnonfiction as "objectivity" and opposes it to "subjectivity" which is called "fiction"in Borms term. Vivirs claims: "Another criterion that can be dismissed along with the others is the one that supposes the travel journal to fall within the category of objectivity, compared to the novel which is ranked within the category of subjectivity" (102). All along, Vivrs discusses travel narrative with such typical works as James Boswells An Account of Corsica and Smolletts Travels, believing that the two travel narratives are doubtlessly intermingled with subjectivity. Hesays: "Boswells text obviously veers off such a path when he sings the praises ofCorsica and its General. Smolletts Travels decry France more than they describeit" (102). In Vivirss argument, both Boswell and Smollett have already personalized their descriptions with their own "sense of judgment." He explains:"The travellers, moreover, are rarely professional historians or geographers:Boswell had been trained as a barrister, while Smollett was originally a surgeon.They view the countries they visit from a highly personal angle, never applying astudied method of observation. They never deal in pure facts, whatever this mayactually mean in practice" (102).
斯摩莱特的小说《亨佛利·克林克》中游记元素的文类分析 PDF格式下载