
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:邹惠玲 编  页数:334  字数:401000  


本书以现代语言学习理论为依据,以结合范文讲解进行写作训练为主要方法,按照循序渐进的原则编排,重点讲授说明文、议论文和研究论文的基本写作技巧。全书由四部分组成,第一部分为说明文(Exposition)。该部分以段落写作为起点,从学习段落的基本结构开始,而后逐一展开介绍说明文段落的主要技巧,同时指导学生反复练习段落的写作,最后在段落写作的基础上进行各种技巧的短文写作训练。第二部分为议论文(Argumentation)。该部分首先介绍如何构思、准备议论文的写作,而后讲授如何运用描写、叙述和说明的技巧展开论证,然后讲解论说的技巧,并指导学生逐一运用这些技巧练习写作议论文,最后进行各种目的的议论文的写作训练。第三部分为英语专业四、八级作文和非英语专业四、六级作文应试指南(Practice Writing),主要包括英语专业四级作文与便条、英语专业八级作文和非英语专业四、六级作文的应试技巧。第四部分为研究论文写作(The Research Paper)。该部分包括论文的准备阶段、论文的写作和论文写作中引用文献资料的两种常用体例(MIA和APA)的详尽介绍。


Unit One Exposition PartⅠParagraph Writing  Lecture One Transitions  Lecture TwO Subordination  Lecture Three Parallelism  Lecture Four Topic Sentence  Lecture Five Controlling Idea  Lecture Six Unity  Lecture Seven Coherence PartⅡDeveloping from Paragraph to Essay with Expository Techniques  Lecture One Paragraph Development by Listing  Lecture Two Paragraph Development by Examples  Lecture Three Essay Development by Examples  Lecture Four Paragraph Development by Comparison  Lecture Five Paragraph Development by Contrast  Lecture Six Essay Development by Comparison and Contrast  Lecture Seven Paragraph Development by Definition  Lecture Eight Paragraph Development by Classification  Lecture Nine Essay Development by Definition and Classification  Lecture Ten Paragraph Development by Space and Time  Lecture Eleven Paragraph Development by Process Description  Lecture Twelve Essay Development by Time,Space,and Process  Lecture Thi~een Paragraph Development by Cause and Effect  Lecture Fourteen Paragraph Development by Generalization  Lecture Fifteen Essay Development by Various MeansUnit Two Argumentation PartⅠMaterial Shaping  Lecture One Preliminary Steps in Writing  Lecture Two The Introduction  Lecture Three The BOdy and the Ending PartⅡStrategies of Description,Narration,and Exposition  Lecture One Description and Narration  Lecture Two Developing by Examples  Lecture Three Developing by Comparison and Contrast  Lecture Four Developing by Division and Classification  Lecture Five Developing by Cause and Effect PartⅢArgumentative Strategies  Lecture One Argumentation and General Claim  Lecture Two Specific Evidence(1)  Lecture Three Specific Evidence(2)  Lecture Four Induction and Deduction  Lecture Five The Combination of Induction and Deduction  Lecture Six Making Concessions and Appealing to Emotions PartⅣrgumentative Writing Activities  Lecture One Taking a Position  Lecture Two Proposing Solutions  Lecture Three Speculating about Causes  Lecture Four Making Evaluation  Lecture Five InterpretationUnit Three Practice Writing PartⅠTEM-4 Composition  Lecture One TEM-4 Composition(2002)  Lecture Two TEM-4 Composition(2003)  Lecture Three TEM-4 Composition(2004)  Lecture Four TEM-4 Composition(2005) PartⅡTEM-4 Note-Writing  Lecture One Basic Format of the English Letter  Lecture Two Basic Format of the English Note  Lecture Three TEM-4 Note+Writing Part Ⅲ TEM-8 Composition  Lecture One TEM-8 Composition(2002)  Lecture Two TEM-8 Composition(2003)  Lecture Three TEM-8 Composition(2004)  Lecture Four TEM-8 Composition(2005)  Lecture Five TEM-8 Composition(2006) Part Ⅳ Guide to CET-4/6 WritingUnit Foup The Research Paper PartⅠResearch Paper Writing  Lecture One Choosing the Topic and Doing Library Research  Lecture Two Doing Empirical Research  Lecture Three Literature Review,Outline and Research Proposal  Lecture Four Writing the First Draft  Lecture Five Documentation(1)—Using Sources  Lecture Six Documentation(2)——Acknowledging Sources PartⅡSample Research PapersWorks Cited


  (8) The boy who came to our house asked to be fed and where he could be clothed.  (9) For me, listening to FM radio is more enjoyable than to listen to AM radio.  (10) My friends father is a good man who is kind.  2. Correct the ltalicized faulty parallelism in each of the following sentences.  (1) We came across a cave that looked like a safe resting place and that was comfortable.  (2) When father came home with his boss and finds the house a mess, he was angry.  (3) Gloria knew that patience, calmness, and if she was affectionate would quiet the child down.  (4) David killed the snake with a big branch that he had cut from a tree and which was whittled to a sharp point.  (5) After the automobile crash, Anne lay in the back seat, in a state of pain and being shocked.  (6) We seated ourselves in the airplane, not in the first-class compartment but where tourists passengers sit.  (7) They gave Andrea the award for the best essay, honoring her and which made her feel proud.  (8) It took the Roman warrior hero Ulysses ten years of wandering and he suffered to reach his home.  (9) Soon Porsia stopped worrying and she was developing a brighter outlook on life.  (10) Dorothy had to learn not only how to find a job but also keeping a job.  3. Underline the unbalanced part of each sentence. Then rewrite the unbalanced part so that it matches the other item or items in the sentence.  (1) Some of the less dangerous side effects of the drug are indigestion, mild headaches, and the hands may occasionally tremble.  (2) You can improve your performance if you master the fundamentals and by training diligently.  (3) Adam convinced most of the audience because he argued logically, calmly, and was reasonable.  (4) The sentence is difficult to understand not because of the technical vocabulary but because the syntax is faulty.  (5) If I didnt have to clean the garage and an English paper that needed finishing, I could really enjoy my weekend.  (6) Some writers care only about wealth and becoming famous.






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