出版时间:2005-6 出版社:北京理工大学出版社 作者:黄正平,何远航编 页数:185 字数:220000
Chapter 1 Signal Features of Detonation Wave and Shock Wave 1.1 Signal Features of Steady Detonation 1.2 Signal Feaures of Unsteady Detonation 1.3 Attenuation Rate of the Peak Signal 1.4 Pseudolinear Attenuation Region of Taylor Peak 1.5 The Arrival Time of Taylor Peak 1.6 Signal Features of Schock Wave 1.7 Signal Features of Overpressure in WaterChapter 2 Explosion and Impact Measuring Systems 2.1 The Configurations of Typical EIMS 2.2 Transducer and Gauge 2.3 Amplifier and Recorder 2.4 Distortionless transmission 2.5 Evaluation and Selection of EIMSChapter 3 Electric Probe Measurement Technique 3.1 Summarization 3.2 The Electric Probes in Common Use 3.3 Pulse-generating Circuit 3.4 Detonation Velocity Measurement 3.5 Some Applications of Probe TechinqueChapter 4 Electromagnetic Measurement Techinque 4.1 Introduction 4.2 EMVT 4.3 EMIT 4.4 EMMT Measuerement System 4.5 Measuring Detonation Parameters with EMVT 4.6 Measuring the Shock Adiabatic Parameter 4.7 Lagangian AnalysisChapter 5 Piezor esistive Measurement Technique 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Configuration of PRT 5.3 Operating Principle of PRT 5.4 Stressometer 5.5 Constant Current Pulse-source 5.6 Dynamic Calibration of PRT 5.7 Application of PRTChapter 6 Piezoelectric Measurement Technique 6.1 QuartZ PEPT 6.2 Polar Solid Transducer 6.3 Bar-type PEPT 6.4 Freefield PEPT 6.5 Precision Analysis of PEPT 6.6 Measuring System with PEPTPeferences