
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:王玉雯  页数:294  字数:289000  




  为适应社会对研究生英语教学提出的更高要求,北京理工大学出版社在新世纪初隆重推出《新世纪研究生英语教程》,为促进我国研究生英语教学的发展做出贡献。  集体智慧的结晶:全套教材由北京理工大学、北京林业大学、北京工业大学、中国石油大学和北京建工学院英语教学专家合作编写,有关师生提供了有益的反馈,经反复修改,今才问世。  侧重语言能力与综合应用能力的培养:系列教材以《综合英语》为核心,每单元围绕一个反映当代生活实际的主题展开,配以《视听说》,学习任务形式多样,尤其注重产出性技能的训练,指导学生全面深入地获取并掌握与各主题有关的语言文化知识及丰富的语料,并针对该现实主题充分进行语言综合应用能力的训练。  体现了全新的教学理念:以学习者为中心,采用交际法教学,教材以主题为中心,练习以任务为基础,创造自主学习的机会。  素质培养与成功应试两不误:各教程均设一定量的类似北京市硕士生英语过关考试题型的练习,让学生在学习语言知识、训练语言应用能力的同时,熟悉北京市硕士生英语过关考试的形式,从而达到素质培养与应试准备两不误的目标。


Unit 1 Free Falling  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 2 The new Economies of Oil  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 3 The new Fvonlier of Biomediene  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 4 Design Dlan for Freedom Jower  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 5 The Sword and the Shield  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 6 The Myth of the Daperless Office  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 7 Competition Js Destvuetine  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 8 Dower to the Deople  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 9 It's not fust Criket  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 10 Why We Strive for Status  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 11 London Bridge Falling Down  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 12 When Something Is Rotten  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 13 Life in the Blance  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 14 Dustrubbyted Untelligence  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercisesUnit 15 A Nation of Pirates  Ⅰ.About the text  Ⅱ.Language points  Ⅲ.Word study  Ⅳ.Suggested translation  Ⅴ.Key to the exercises


  Language points  1. The impact of saying goodbye and actually leaving did not hit me until the day of my departure. Its strength woke me an hour before my alarm clock would, as for the last time Missy, my golden retriever, greeted me with a big, sloppy lick. (para. 1)  I did not feel so disturbed and nervous until the day when I had to say farewell to my parents and friends and leave home. My feelings of leaving woke me up an hour before my alarm clock was set to go off. My golden retriever ( bread of dog) " Missy" gave me a big, wet lick with her tongue.  2. Of course, I did not notice any of these qualities until that day, which made me all the more sad about leaving her. ( para. 1)  I became more sad about leaving the dog when I realized all these good  qualities that I will miss in her.  " all the more + adjective" : used to emphasize how much better,  easier, etc. something is than it would be in a different situation.  "All the more" in the sentence means "increasingly. "  Claytons achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider his  poor performance last season.  The job was made all the easier by having the proper tools.  3. Big deal. ( para. 3)  "Big deal" is a set phrase used in the text to say that you do not think  something is as important as someone else thinks it is.  Its just a game. If you lose, big deal.  Whats the big deal? Its only a birthday, not the end of the world.



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