
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:首都经济贸易大学出版社  作者:张中宁  页数:205  字数:345000  




Unit 1 Introduction to Business
 Section One:BusinessCommunications
 Greetings and Introductions
 Section Two:Text
 What is Business
 Section Thtee:Exercises
 Section Four:Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five:Business Reading
 International Business
Unit 2 Basic Operations of Business
 Section One:BusinessCommunications
 Accepting an Invitation
 Section Two:Text
 Basic Operations of Business
 Section Three:Exercises
 Section Four:Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five:Business Reading
 HOW to Start a Small Business?
Unit 3 History of Business Development
 Section One:BusinessCommunications
 Declining an Invitation
 Section Two:Text
 Early Development of Business
 Section Throe:Exercises
 Section Four:Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five:Business Reading
 Brief History of International Business
Unit 4 Current Business Position of China
 Section One: Business Communications
 Arranging for an Airline Travel
 Section Two: Text
 Business Environment of China
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 Foreign Trade Volume, Surplus Hit Records
Unit 5 Fundamentals of International Trade
 Section One: Business Communications
 Checking in at an Airport
 Section Two: Text
 Reasons for International Trade
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 Rationale for International Business
Unit 6 Classical Trade Theories
 Section One: Business Communications
 Going Through the Customs
 Section Two: Text
 The Theory of Absolute Advantage
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 The Theory of Comparative Advantage
Unit 7 New Trade Theories
 Section One: Business Communications
 Meeting at the Airport
 Section Two: Text
 The Competitive Advantage of Nations
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 The Theory of International Investment
Unit 8 International Financial Market
 Section One: Business Communications
 On the Way to the Hotel
 Section Two: Text
 Market for Currencies
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 The Chinese Foreign Exchange System
Unit 9 International Banking
 Section One: Business Communications
 Registration at the Hotel
 Section Two: Text
 History of Banking
 Section Three: Exercises
 Section Four: Biz Fueling Station
 Section Five: Business Reading
 The World Bank
 附录一 全国国际商务英语考试(一级)大纲
 附录二 全国国际商务英语考试(一级)样题
 附录三 全国国际商务英语考试(一级)样题参考答案
 附录四 全国国际商务英语考试(一级)样题听力原文





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