
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:旅游教育出版社  作者:钱玲,李启金 主编  页数:149  




Module 1 At the Travel Agency
Unit 1 Receiving the Guests
Unit 2 Talking about the Tour Plans
Unit 3 Preparing for the Tour
Module 2 At the Airport
Unit 4 Meeting the Guests
Unit 5 On the Way to the Hotel
Unit 6 Itinerary Discussion
Module 3 In the Hotel
Unit 7 Room Reservation
Unit 8 Check-in Service
Unit 9 Check-out Service
Module 4 ln the Hotel Room
Unit 10 Chamber Service
Unit 11 Laundry Service
Unil 12 Room Service
Module 5 ln the Restaurant
Unit 13 Taking Orders
Unit 14 Serving at the Dinner
Unit 15 Beverage Service
Module 6 At Places of Interests
Unit 16 Ticket Office
Unit 17 At Scenic Spots
Unit 18 Chinese Culture
Module 7 In the Shopping Center
Unit 19 Greeting and Inquiring
Unit 20 Introducing and Bargaining
Unit 21 Packing and Delivering
Unit 22 Offering After-sale Service
Module 8 In the Health Club
Unit 23 Gym Service
Unit 24 Golf Service
Unit 25 SPA Service
Appendix Ⅰ Famous Hotel Groups in the World
Appendix Ⅱ Services of Hotels1
Appendix Ⅲ Famous Scenic Spots in the World
Appendix Ⅳ Famous Scenic Spots in China1


版权页:插图:Useful expressions:Translate the following into Chinese.I.Welcome to China.1adies and gentlemen.Let me introduce my team to you  first.My name is Zhang Jing.I'm your local guide from China International  Travel Service.This is Mr.Tan,your driver.2.Is it your first visit to Beijing?3.There are a lot of scenic spots and historic sites in Beijing.4.I'll be with you for your trip in Beijing.5.I’ll be very glad to show you around the city.6.We hope you will find your stay here satisfactory.7.Now we are going to the hotel where you are going to stay.It will take US  about fifty minutes to get there.8.It,s the Holiday Inn.It’s a four-star hotel located by the Yangtze River.9.The hotel offers not only western food but also typical Chinese cuisine.1.Let’s enjoy the sights outside.On your left are the relics of the ancient  Panlong City.It’S said to be the roof of Wuhan city,with a history of 3,500  years.On your right-the vast green field.





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