
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:旅游教育出版社  作者:朱正 编  页数:220  






Book OneLesson 1 A University TownLesson 2 A Lucky CustomerLesson 3 Save the LibraryLesson 4 A Market Place for TorontoLesson 5 The Cost of FoodLesson 6 PopulationLesson 7 The Neighborhood LuncheonetteLesson 8 Farming in the CityLesson 9 Mr. and Mrs. TruckerLesson 10 Women's Liberation. a Long Way to GoLesson 11 Chicago Unblocks TrafficLesson 12 Life in a New CountryLesson 13 In a BookshopLesson 14 Public TransportLesson 15 A Short AutobiographyLesson 16 People and OceansLesson 17 Changing Eating HabitsLesson 18 RobotsLesson 19 Air PollutionLesson 20 Categories of Education in the United StatesLesson 21 Cars That People Throw AwayLesson 22 Aquaculture.. New Hope for FoodLesson 23 Carry on a Proud TraditionLesson 24 Alternative Medicine -- Acupuncture.Lesson 25 Cheaper and Better than DrugsBook TwoLesson 1 Background MusicLesson 2 Rubbish Need Not Be WastedLesson 3 The Only Thing People Are Interested in Today Is Earning More MoneyLesson 4 Millions of Oliver Twists Live in StreetsLesson 5 How New York Became America's Largest CityLesson 6 Americans Rediscover Fitness in Their FeetLesson 7 Family -- For and AgainstLesson 8 The Language of AdvertisingLesson 9 The Motor Car-- a Boom or a MenaceLesson 10 Does Tobacco Make Economic Sense?Lesson 11 The Sale of Council HousesLesson 12 Self-MedicationLesson 13 What do Parents Owe Their Children?Lesson 14 Japan's Education SystemLesson 15 How to Handle CriticismLesson 16 Students Urged to Play Their PartLesson 17 Village Thinks Small and ShinesLesson 18 You Can Speak in PublicLesson 19 The Importance of EconomicsLesson 20 Why Japanese Cars Still SellLesson 21 Putting an End to Putting Things Off



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