出版时间:2011-2 出版社:中国石油大学出版社 作者:冯叔初 页数:390
《高等学校教材:油气储运英语教程(第2版)》包括油气田、各类输送管道和设备、油品的地面和地下储存、管道建设和施工、腐蚀与防腐、储运计量仪表等内容,涉及油气储运工程的各个主要环节。书中大部分内容取自近期出版的国外图书资料,力求反映油气储运工程领域的新工艺、新技术及其发展方向。书中多数课文内容较新,覆盖面较广,编者从专业角度对课文进行了注释,这是《高等学校教材:油气储运英语教程(第2版)》的特点之一。 《高等学校教材:油气储运英语教程(第2版)》可作为高等学校、职业大学、函授大学油气储运工程专业本科学生的教材,也可作为从事油气储运工程设计、生产的技术人员的培训教材。
Chapter 1 Oil and Gas Fields1.1 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production1.2 Brief Description of Crude Oil Surface Treatment1.3 Treating Oil Field Emulsions1.4 Overview of Gas- handling Facilities1.5 Trays and Packing1.6 Gas Sweetening1.7 Dehydration of Natural Gas1.8 Hydrocarbon Recovery and Condensate StabilizationChapter 2 Pipelines2.1 Types of Pipelines2.2 Other Pipelines2.3 Rheology2.4 Line Pipes2.5 Pumps and Pump Stations2.6 Compressors2.7 Gas Turbines2.8 Pipeline Pigging2.9 Pipe Coating2.10 Inspection and RehabilitationChapter 3 Storage Facilities3.1 Storage3.2 Tank Classification3.3 Floating Roofs3.4 Rim Seals3.5 Tank Emissions and Venting3.6 Tank Foundations3.7 Fire Prevention and Foam System3.8 Oil Storage in Rock CavernsChapter 4 Construction4.1 Land Pipeline Construction4.2 Pipeline Installation and Road/River Crossing4.3 Offshore Pipeline Construction4.4 Pull Methods and Tie-in4.5 Welding Techniques and EquipmentChapter 5 Corrosion5.1 Causes of Underground Corrosion5.2 Cathodic Protection Fundamentals5.3 Pipeline Corrosion5.4 Tank CorrosionChapter 6 Metering Installations6.1 Metering Gases6.2 Metering of Liquids6.3 BTU MeasurementReference TranslationsUnit Conversion FactorsSpecial TermsReferences