
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试复习指导、 《山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试复习指导》编写组 中国石油大学出版社 (2010-01出版)  




第1部分 山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试大纲(试行)及样题 第2部分试题题型分析和考点突破 第一章阅读理解 第一节命题规律 第二节考点突破 第二章词汇与语法结构 第一节命题规律 第二节考点突破 第三节常考的语法要点讲解 第三章完形填空 第一节命题规律 第二节考点突破 第四章汉译英 者点突破 第五章写作 第一节作文写作的基本步骤 第二节英语作文的写作要领 第3部分模拟试题 Model Test One Model Test Two Model Test Three  Model Test Four  Model Test Five  Model Test Six Model Test Seven Model Test Eight Model Test Nine  Model Test Ten Model Test Eleven  Model Test Twelve  Model Test Thirteen Model Test Fourteen Model Test Fifteen  参考答案


版权页:   插图:   4)不定式和分词作状语 (1)不定式作状语 不定式作状语时,多表示目的和结果,偶尔也可以表示原因。 ①__a teacher in a university,it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.A)To become B)Become C)One becomes D)On become 答案是A)。从句意逻辑分析,__a teacher in a university部分应为目的状语,只有A)To become具有此句法功能。 ②I have enjoyed my visit here.I'll be very sorry__. A)for leaving B)leaving C)to leave D)with leaving 答案是C)。不定式可以用在作表语的形容词(现在分词、过去分词)后面作状语,说明原因或谓语所表示的情况。能用于这种结构中的形容词很多,如:happy,lucky,fortunate,ashamed,glad,surprised,angry,anxious,convenient,pleasant,exciting,interesting,wrong,brave,thoughtful等。 (2)分词作状语 分词作状语时,多表示原因、时间、伴随、条件等。 ①__with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all. A)When compared B)Compare C)While comparing D)Comparing 答案是A)。这里compare是及物动词,其动作的对象是句子的主语the highestmountain,因此须用表示被动意思的过去分词compared,而不能用现在分词comparing,所以A)是正确答案。本题中,when后面没有主语。若要加上主语,该句应为:When it iscompared with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.(it=the highest mountain) ②Having been served lunch,__. A)the problem was discussed by the members of the committee B)the committee members discussed the problem C)it was discussed by the committee members the problem D)a discussion of the oroblem Was made bv the members of the committee.





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