
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:北京邮电大学出版社  作者:张晓光 等编著  页数:248  




大学物理双语教学是大学物理教学中的一个新鲜事物,除了需要合适的双语教材以外,还需要配套的解题指导书。本书由北京邮电大学几位教师编写,他们在北京邮电大学与英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院合作培养本科生项目——北京邮电大学国际学院执教大学物理双语课多年,具有丰富的教学经验。    国内外的大学物理教学的广度和深度不尽相同,国外大学物理英文教材书后习题的难度与国内大学物理教程题目难度相比有不足。本书搜集了有一定难度的例题进行详细解答,并配以知识点复习(Review of the Contents),解题方法(Problem Solving Strategies),以及每章一定量的选择、填空、问答、计算题,构成一本较完备的解题指导书。本书有效地弥补了现有大学物理双语教学的不足,成为大学物理双语课程的一个有效组成部分。


Chapter 1  Describing Motion.Kinematics of Particles   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 2  Dynamics of Particles and Systems   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 3  Rigid Body Motion   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy     Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 4  Electrostatic Field  Review of the Contents  Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy     Examples  Questions and ProblemsChapter 5  Magnetism   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 6  Inductance   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 7  The Kinetic Theory of Gases   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 8  The First Law of Thermodynamics   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy     Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 9  The Second Law of Thermodynamics  Review of the Contents  Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy       Examples    Questions and ProblemsChapter 10  Oscillations   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 11  Wave Motion   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 12  Interference of Light   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 13  Diffraction of Light   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples      Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 14  Polarization of Light  Review of the Contents   Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 15  Special Theory of Relativity   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy     Examples   Questions and ProblemsChapter 16  Fundamentals of Quantum Theory   Review of the Contents   Typical Examples     Problem solving strategy      Examples   Questions and ProblemsAnswers to Questions and Problems


插图:In this chapter, we discuss the cause of motion, a field of study called dy-namics. The principles of dynamics can he wrapped up in a neat package of threestatements called Newton's laws of motion. Three theorems derived from New-ton's laws and laws of conservation are also introduced.1. Newton' s first lawContent:When no force acts on a body, or when the vector sum of all forcesacting on it (the net force) is zero, the body is in equilibrium. If the body is ini-tially at rest, it remains at rest; if it is initially in motion, it continues to movewith constant velocity. From Newton's first law, we can get the following conclusions:(1) An object has a tendency to maintain its original state of motion in theabsence of a force. This tendency is called inertia. The inertial property of a bodyis characterized by its mass.(2) The force is the only reason which makes the states of body change. Itindicates the concept of force: An interaction——can cause an acceleration of abody.





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  •   全英文教程,用于准确,恰当。适合留学生出国准备使用
  •   书很好 物流很快
  •   如果是上双语的大学物理,那么这本书的知识点还是蛮全的,题量也比较大,可以很好的练习
  •   内容详实的大物书!
  •   有解题思路,有例题,有考试的所有题型:选择题、填空题、计算题。比较适合备考。

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