
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:北京邮电大学出版社有限公司  作者:庄朝蓉 主编  页数:280  字数:448000  


  随着科技的进步和经济全球化的到来,社会对专业人才的外语能力要求越来越高。电子信息是当今国际、国内发展最迅速、技术更新最活跃的领域之一。  本书为电子信息类高职、高专学生进行专业英语学习而编写,其目的在于使学生通过电子信息专业英语的学习,扩展其在电子信息专业方面的英语词汇量,熟悉该领域的专业术语,了解科技英语的表达特点,掌握专业英语的翻译技巧,从而有利于提高学生的业务素质,并且有利于增强学生在电子信息专业领域的英语应用能力和职业能力,为学生在今后的学习和工作中阅读和翻译电子信息类相关英语专业技术资料作准备。  本书可作为高职、高专电子信息、通信、计算机等专业的教材,也可作为其他电子信息类学生或英语爱好者从英语角度学习和了解电子信息技术和业务的参考书。  本书主要选取国内外优秀教材及专业网站相关英语原文及电子信息新技术、新业务介绍的科普文章,这些文章难度适中,语言流畅,具有较强的专业性和可读性。在选材上,广泛借鉴了传统的相关书籍和教材,并充分考虑到电子信息技术日新月异的发展趋势,选用了与新技术、新业务有关的时文,突出了选材的新颖性。  在编排上基本涵盖了电子信息业的技术和业务领域,包括电气元件、测量工具、电子器件、集成电路、数字逻辑电路、电源、同步数字系列、密集波分复用、环球移动通信系统、码分多址、第三代移动通信技术、非对称数字用户线、无线网络技术、无线局域网、网络实用技术和计算机网络安全等。结合编者多年的专业英语教学实践,本教材练习设计更实用,内容更翔实。考虑到高职、高专学生英语水平差异,各单元课后生词罗列大量词条,加注音标,在给出专业词汇含义的同时,保留部分词条的普通释义,以方便学生温故知新,附录中词汇总表方便学生对单词的记忆和理解。每个单元配以科技英语翻译技巧及实践,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,满足高职、高专“实用为主,够用为度”的需要。为便于教师教学和读者自学,每篇文章都附有课文注释和参考译文,所有练习配参考答案。


电子信息专业英语作为电子信息类专业的一门专业基础课,很好地突出了高职、高专教学的实用性。本书共16个单元,内容包括电子技术、通信技术和计算机技术3大板块,涉及电路及电气元件、测量工具、电子器件、集成电路、数字逻辑电路、电源、同步数字系列、密集波分复用系统、环球移动通信系统、码分多址、第三代移动通信技术、非对称数字用户环路、无线网络技术、无线局域网、网络实用技术和计算机网络安全等,基本覆盖了目前电子信息业的技术和业务。在构架上,每个单元包括两篇课文,按难易程度和篇幅分为Text A和Text B,两篇课文后均配以生词、短语及课文注释。在练习的设计上,Text A注重短语、句子及段落的翻译,Text B侧重阅读理解。每个单元还包括科技英语翻译技巧及实践。附录包括词汇总表、电子信息常用缩略语、课文参考译文和练习参考答案,以方便教师在教学中选用和学生自学。    本书可作为电子信息类大专院校的教材,也可作为英语爱好者从英语角度学习和了解电子信息技术和业务的参考书。


Unit 1  Circuits and Electrical Components Text A  Circuits Text B  Electrical Components Translating Skill 1  派生词的翻译(一)Unit 2  Instruments for Measurement Text A  What Do Meters Measure? Text B  Oscilloscope Translating Skill 2  派生词的翻译(二)Unit 3  Electronic Components Text A  Electronic Components Text B  Semiconductor Diode Translating Skill 3  Tele-和-Phone的译法Unit 4  Integrated Circuits Text A  Integrated Circuits Text B  Application of Chips Translating Skill 4  广告的翻译Unit 5  Digital Logical Circuit Text A  Digital Logical Circuit Text B  Comparison of Digital and Analog Techniques Translating Skill 5  专业术语的翻译Unit 6  Power Supply Text A  Power Supply Text B  Types of Power Supply Translating Skill 6  新词的翻译Unit 7  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Text A  Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Text B  the Architecture of SDH Translating Skill 7  缩略词的翻译(一)Unit 8  DWDM Text A  DWDM Text B  DWDM-Wavelength Converting Transponders,Muxponder and the Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Translating Skill 8  缩略词的翻译(二)Unit 9  GSM Text A  GSM Text B  Cells and Modulation in GSM Translating Skill 9  数量词的翻译Unit 10  CDMA Text A  CDMA Text B  Spread Spectrum Characteristics of CDMA IS-95 Translating Skill 10  长句的翻译Unit 11  3G Text A  IMT-2000 Global 3G Standard Text B Implementation and History of 3G Translating Skill 11  被动句Unit 12  ADSL Text A  ADSL Text B  Application for ADSL Translating Skill 12  专有名词的翻译(一)Unit 13  the Wireless Web Text A  Second-Generation Wireless Web Text B  I-Mode Translating Skill 13  专有名词的翻译(二)Unit 14  WLAN Text A  Wireless LANs: 802.11 Text B  New Wireless LAN Standard Translating Skill 14  否定的处理Unit 15  Networks Applied Technology Text A  Home Networking Text B  E-mail Translating Skill 15  And 引导的句型(一)Unit 16  Network Security Text A  Network Security Text B  Bluetooth Security Translating Skill 16  And 引导的句型(二)附录1  词汇总表附录2  电子信息常用缩略语附录3  课文参考译文附录4  练习参考答案参考文献


  Any teenager worth his or her salt is addicted to instant messaging. This facility,derived from the UNIX talk program in use since around 1970, allows two people to typemessages at each other in real time.A multiperson version of this idea is the chat room,in which a group of people can type messages for all to see.  Our third category is entertainment, which is a huge and growing industry. The killerapplication here (the one that may drive all the rest) is video on demand. A decade or sohence, it may be possible to select any movie or television program ever made, in anycountry, and have it displayed on your screen instantly . New films may become interactive,where the user is occasionally prompted for the story direction (should Macbeth murderDuncan or just bide his time?) with alternative scenarios provided for all cases . Livetelevision may also become interactive, with the audience participating in quiz shows,choosing among contestants, and so on.  Our fourth category is electronic commerce in the broadest sense of the term. Homeshopping is already popular and enables users to inspect the on-line catalogs of thousands ofcompanies. Some of these catalogs will soon provide the ability to get an instant video onany product by just clicking on the products name.After the customer buys a productelectronically but cannot figure out how to use it, on-line technical support may be consulted.



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  •   复试用 所以买的
    还行吧 内容有点广 前部分关于电路理论的介绍有点多余了

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