
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:北京邮电大学  作者:蒋隆国主编  






Unit one
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Two
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Three
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Four
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Five
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Six
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Seven
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure
Unit Eight
Part 1 Communicative Speaking
Part 2 Practical Reading
Part 3 Applied Writing
Part 4 Model Test
Part 5 Key and Notes
Part 6 English for Pleasure



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  •   书籍比较旧了,纸张泛黄,不过还是很实惠的。

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