
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:延边大学出版社  作者:赵忠宝  页数:609  


  《QQ教辅:中考解析与训练·英语》是由一批新课标试验地区教学一线的教师,潜心研究,深入探讨,在先进教学理念指引下,总结丰富的教学经验而精心编写的。《QQ教辅:中考解析与训练·英语》的编写以教育部义务教育最新课程标准为依据,体现了全新的教育理念,科学的训练手段与方法,与最新教材完全同步,以满足教师和学生的实际需求。其主要特点是:  一、实用性  该书编写时充分考虑教学的实际需要,对学科重点与一般要求的知识在内容及版块的设置上做了科学的详略。重点知识的训练梯度合理、层次分明,达到局部的系统训练与检测,在课程资源的开发,学生自我学习、自我完善、自我提高等各个方面均做了独具匠心的安排,具有极强的实用性和可操作性。  二、系统性  该书根据最新实验教材的思想体系,对每个单元的讲解与训练都按新课改的思想进行了精心设计,力求做到内容充实、具体、题型新颖。系统地解决了在新教材使用中遇到的抽象、难以操作的问题。除单元检测外,还配有单元重点词汇及句式语法的讲解,便于学生自学。注重讲练相辅,教会方法培养能力。  三、兼容性  由版块设置及内容安排不难看出,该书既充分体现新课改的思想、课标的要求,同时又能很好地满足应试的需要,具有良好的兼容性。我相信,该书将成为教师与学生真正的益友,为培养新型高素质人才作出贡献。


Unit 1 My nfflles Gina单元达标测试卷Unit 2 Is this your pencil?单元达标测试卷Unit 3 This is my sister单元达标测试卷Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?单元达标测试卷Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball7单元达标测试卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas?单元达标测试卷期中考试1-6单元综合测试期中测试题Unit 7 How much are these pants?单元达标测试卷Unit 8 When is your birthday7单元达标测试卷Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?单元达标测试卷Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?单元达标测试卷--Unit 11 What time do you go to school?单元达标测试卷一Unit 12 My favorite subject is science单元达标测试卷期中考试7-12单元综合测试期末测试(一)期末测试(二)期末总复习综合测试Unit 13 WhereS your pen pal from?单元达标测试卷Unit 14 Where is the post office7单元达标测试卷Unit 15 Why do you like koalas?单元达标测试卷Unit 16 1 want to be fin actor单元达标测试卷Unit 17 Im watching TV单元达标测试卷Unit 18 ItS raining单元达标测试卷Unit 19 What does he look Hke?单元达标测试卷Unit 20 Id Iike some noodles单元达标测试卷Unit 21 How Was your weekend7单元达标测试卷Unit 22 Where did you go on vacation?单元达标测试卷Unit 23 What do you think of game show单元达标测试卷Unit 24 Dont eat in class单元达标测试卷七年级下期末测试参考答案Unit 1 How often do you exercise?单元达标测试卷Unit 2 WhatS the matter?单元达标测试卷Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?单元达标测试卷Unit 4 How do you get to school7单元达标测试卷Unit 5 Can you come to my party?单元达标测试卷Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister单元达标测试卷Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake7单元达标测试卷Unit 8 How was your school trip?单元达标测试卷Unit 9 When WitS he born?单元达标测试卷Unit 10 Im going to he a basketban player单元达标测试卷Unit 1 1  Could you please clean your room7单元达标测试卷Unit 12 WhatS the best radio station7单元达标测试卷Unit 13 Will people have robots7单元达标测试卷Unit 14、Ⅳhat should I do?单元达标测试卷Unit 15 What were you doing when UFO arrived?单元达标测试卷Unit 16 He said I WSS hard-working单元达标测试卷Unit 17 If you go to the party。youⅡhave greattimeI单元达标测试卷Unit 18 How long have you been collecting shells?单元达标测试卷Unit 19 Would you mind turning down the music7单元达标测试卷Unit 20 Why dont you get her a scarf7单元达标测试卷Unit 21 Have you ever been to an amusement?单元达标测试卷Unit 22 ItS a nice day。isnt it?单元达标测试卷参考答案Unit 1 How do you study for a test7Section ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkSection ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesSection ASection B单元达标测试卷UlIit4 What would you d07Section ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaSection ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 6 I like music that I can dance toSection ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?Section ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 8 I11 help clean up the city parksSection ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit9 When was it invented7Section ASection B单元达标测试卷Unit 10 By the time I got outside。the bus had already left……九年级英语综合测试题综合测试参考答案



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