
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:大连海事大学出版社  作者:王建平  页数:281  


  《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材·航海类专业精品系列教材:航海英语》按高等学校航海技术专业本科普通班《航海英语教学大纲》进行编写,主要内容包括:进出港报表、大副批注、航海日志、各类申报书、海事声明书、通知与授权书、各类报告书、海上事故报告、港口国检查、船舶修理单、船务安全通信、航次命令、天气报告等。这些内容的读写是目前三副、二副、大副及船长必须掌握的航海英语技能。  《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材·航海类专业精品系列教材:航海英语》可供航海一本、航海二本、航海三本、航海函授本科、航海日校大专、航海自学大专、航海函授大专、非航海本科与专科学生进修航海专业等人员使用。


Unit 1 Forms&Lists For Port FormalitiesUnit 2 C/O'S Remarks On Mate'S ReceiptsUnit 3 Deck LogbookUnit 4 DeclarationsUnit 5 Marine ProtestsUnit 6 Notices&AuthorizationsUnit 7 Advices&Instructl0nsUnit 8 Accident ReportsUnit 9 Psc InspectionUnit 10 Ship Repair ListsUnit 11 Shipping And Safety InformationUnit 12 Voyage 0rders And Instructi0nsUnit 13 Weather Reports附:选择题参考答案


  Whilst proper care must be taken with the stowage of all iron and steel,cargoes of pig iron,steelbillets,round bars and pipes are particularly difficult to secure effectively.ln the upper tween decksof many two and three deck ships the absence of hatch coamings more than a few inches high adds tothe difficulty of securing pig iron and billets carried abreast the hatchways and there appears to be agreater risk of cargo shifting in these spaces than in the lower holds. The most effective way to securethese cargoes is to level them and over-stow them with other suitable cargo. The over-stow shouldhave sufficient rigidity or weight to act as a positive preventative to the movement of pig iron,steelbillets,bars,etc. Large quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks with the intention of obtaining an unduly low metacentric height since this does not e-liminate the risk of cargo shifting and may endanger the ship if it does shift.   ......



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