出版时间:2011-4 出版社:韩立新、 周清华 大连海事学院出版社 (2011-04出版)
第一章海商基础英语阅读(Basic Martime English Reading) 第一节船舶登记(Registration) 第二节方便旗(Flag of Convenience) 第三节船舶担保物权(Security Interests in Ships) 第四节船舶与货物(Merchant Ships & Cargoes) 第五节船员配备(Manning of Merchant Ships) 第六节 海上货物运输合同概述(Introduction to Contract of Carriage of Goc by Sea) 第七节多式联运(Multimodal Transport) 第八节碰撞责任基础(Basis of Collision Liability) 第九节海难救助(Marine Salvage) 第十节共同海损(General Average) 第十一节海事赔偿责任限制(Limitation of Liability) 第十二节海上保险(Marine Insurance) 第十三节海事扣押(Maritime Arrest and Attachment) 第十四节海事仲裁(Maritime Arbitration) 第十五节 国际安全管理规则(International Safety Management Code) 第二章海商英文实务合同(Maritime Business Contracts) 第一节船舶建造合同(Ship Building Contract) 第二节船舶买卖合同(Sales and Purchases of Ship Contract) 第三节船舶管理合同(Ship Management Contract) 第四节船员管理合同(Crewman Management Contract) 第五节船员雇用合同(Crewing Contract) 第六节提单(Bills of Lading) Reading Material:CONGENBILL 2007 第七节航次租船合同(Voyage Charter Party) Reading Material(一):Voyage Charterparty Laytime Interpretation Rules 1993 Reading Material(二):ASBATANKVOY 第八节定期租船合同(Time Charter Party) Reading Material:Inter—Club New York Produce Exchance Agreement 1996 第九节光船租赁合同(Bareboat Charter Party) 第十节拖航合同(Towage Contract) Reading Material:Towage Contract(Daily Hire) 第十一节救助合同(Salvage Contract) Reading Material:Salvage Contract 第十二节海上保险合同(Marine Insurance Contract) 第三章海商英文实务信函与文书(Maritime Business Letters & Documents) 第一节业务英文函简介(Introduction to Business Letters) 第二节 海商英文实务信函与文书例文(Examples of Maritime Business Letters 8 Documents 第四章海商英文实务电传与电报(Maritime Business Telexes & Telegrams) 第一节英文电传与电报缩略词语(Telexes & Telegrams Abbreviations) 第二节海商英文实务电传(Maritime Business Telexes) 第三节海商英文实务电报(Maritime Business Telegrams) 参考文献
版权页: 插图: 3.This Guarantee shall not be affected by any indulgence or delay allowed to the Buyer nor by any amendment to,or variation of,the Contract whether as to time or otherwise that may be agreed between you and the Buyer nor by any circumstances that would otherwise discharge our liability as guarantor. 4.Subject to paragraph 5 below,this Guarantee shall remain in force until the first to occur of (a) due delivery of the Vessel to,and acceptance of the Vessel by,the Buyer,(b) the payment to you by the Buyer or by us of all sums secured by this Guarantee,and (c) the Buyer's valid and lawful cancellation and/or rescission of the Contract pursuant to the terms of the Contract.However,notwithstanding the foregoing,if within twenty-eight (28) days of our receipt of a Demand we receive a written notice from you or the Buyer that your claim for payment of the sums referred to in the Demand has been disputed and that such dispute will be resolved in accordance with the Contract,the period of validity of this Guarantee shall be extended until thirty (30) days after the dispute has been finally determined in accordance with paragraph 5 below. 5.Notwithstanding the other terms of this Guarantee,if within twenty-eight (28) days of our receipt of a Demand we receive written notice from you or from the Buyer stating that your claim for payment of the sums referred to in the Demand has been disputed and that such dispute will be resolved in accordance with the Contract (including,as may be,by Class,an Expert,a Mediator or in arbitration),then we shall not be obliged to make any payment to you under this Guarantee until thirty (30) days after the dispute has been finally determined or in the event of an appeal from an arbitration award,until thirty (30) days after delivery of the final unappealable judgment; or in the event that the court remits the matter to the arbitrator,until thirty (30) days after the publication of the revised final award or in the event of an appeal from the award,until thirty (30) days after delivery of the final unappealable judgment.