
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:武汉理工大学出版社  作者:姜丽 编  页数:235  


本书精选最新出版的国内外权威金融类书籍报刊及网上的优秀文章,分六个部分对金融有关知识进行介绍:金融市场、银行业、外汇与外汇市场、证券、保险及金融衍生工具,包括金融理论基础知识、政策法规、经营管理等。同时,通过一些典型案例对课文进行补充,因而具有较强的针对性与实用性,有助于为学生今后从事金融工作提供理论指导。    本书适合作为高职高专金融、财会、贸易专业学生学习用书,也可作为各金融机构的从业人员以及其他有意在金融领域工作的人士的参考读本。


金融市场  Unit 1  Financial Market Research    1.1  Financial Markets    1.2  Analysis of Today's Financial Markets--World Gripped by Largest Financial Crisis in 100 Years  Unit 2  Financial Investment    2.1  Introduction    2.2  Financial Intermediaries    2.3  Portfolio Choice    2.4  Speculators and Markets银行业  Unit 3  Banking Industry    3.1  Introduction of Banking Industry    3.2  Types of Banks    3.3  Bank Channels    3.4  Banks in the Economy  Unit 4  Banking in China    4.1  Supervisory Bodies    4.2  Domestic Key Players    4.3  Reforms in the Banking Industry  Unit 5  Banking Services    5.1  Introduction of Banking Services    5.2  Core Business of Banks: Deposits and Loans    5.3  Bank Loans  Unit 6  Bank Risk Management    6.1  Brief Introduction    6.2  Key Risk Management  Unit 7  Bank Accounting    7.1  Brief Introduction    7.2  How Does Bank Accounting Work?  Unit 8  Banking Supervision    8.1  What Is Banking Supervision7    8.2  The Importance of Banking Supervision    8.3  Methods of Ongoing Banking Supervision    8.4  How to Improve and Enhance Banking Supervision外汇与外汇市场  Unit 9  Foreign Exchange Rates    9.1  Foreign Exchange and Foreign Exchange Rates    9.2  Theories of Foreign Exchange Rate    9.3  Determinants of Foreign Exchange Rates  Unit 10  Foreign Exchange Market    10.1  The Foreign Exchange Market and Its Purpose    10.2  Market Participants    10.3  Trading Characteristics    10.4  Financial Instruments证券  Unit 11  Stock Basics    11.1  Introduction to Stock    11.2  Stock Market  Unit 12  Bond Basics    12.1  Introduction to Bond    12.2  Bond Market    12.3  Differences Between Stocks and Corporate Bonds  Unit 13  Fundamental Analysis of Securities    13.1  Quantitative Analysis    13.2  Qualitative Factors保险  Unit 14  Introduction to Insurance    14.1  General Introduction to Insurance    14.2  Principles of Insurance    14.3  Insurance Contract  Unit 15  China Insurance Industry    15.1  Brief History    15.2  Outlooks-Golden Period of Development  Unit 16  Insurance Intermediaries    16.1  Introduction to Insurance Intermediaries    16.2  The Income of Insurance Intermediaries    16.3  Functions of Insurance Intermediaries    16.4  China's Insurance Intermediaries金融衍生工具  Unit 17  Financial Derivatives    17.1  Introduction to Financial Derivatives    17.2  Types of Financial Derivatives    17.3  Functions of Financial Derivatives    17.4  Benefits and Risks  Unit 18  Future Contracts, Options and Swaps    18.1  Futures    18.2  Options    18.3  SwapsReferences



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