
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:武汉理工大学出版社  作者:魏万德 主编  页数:274  


本书采用单元教学形式,全书共编有十六个单元,每单元都编有三篇阅读材料,分两个部分。本书在内容上着重介绍水泥、玻璃、陶瓷,同时兼顾耐火材料、搪瓷。考虑到各学科之问的相互渗透,以及为拓宽学生的知识面,书中还插入了复合材料、涂料及塑料等方面的内容。本次修订增加了无机非金属材料制作的环保、节能与减排工艺和要求;纳米材料、自洁净玻璃以及高性能航空材料的制备;复合陶瓷的制备工艺和流程等内容。书后面还附有练习答案,供学习者参考。    本书可供高等院校无机非金属材料科学与工程专业学生学习专业英语,亦可供广大从事材料专业工作,并具有一定英语基础的工程技术人员及自学者学习参考。


Unit One Text: Historical Development of Materials and Technology Reading Passage  Properties of Materials    Cements and GlassesUnit Two  Text:Portland Cement and its Types Reading Passage  Composite Cements : General Considerations  History of CementUnit Three Text: Manufacture of Portland Cement Reading Passage  Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Portland Cements  BurningUnit Four Text: Setting and Hardening Reading Passage  The Hydration of Portland Cement  Low-energy" CementsUnit Five Text: Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Prestressed Concrete Reading Passage  High Performance Concrete  Durability of ConcreteUnit Six Text: Ceramming : Changing G|ass to Glass-Ceramics Reading Passage  Types of Ceramic Glasses  Ion Exchange in Glass ProcessingUnit Seven Text: Pollution Control in Glass- Making Reading Passages  Energy Conservation Technologies and Recycling  Glass QualityUnit Eight Text: History of Glass Making Reading Passage  Architectural Glass  Glass ProductsUnit Nine Text: Application of Microcomputers to Glass Problems Reading Passage  Batch Calculations  Distributed Computer SystemsUnit Ten Text : Ceramics Reading Passage  Ceramics: An Overview  Ceramic KilnUnit Eleven Text: Ceramic Raw Materials Reading Passage  Basic Raw Materials  Structure of Ceramics and Ceramic Phase DiagramsUnit Twelve Text: Developments in Ceramics Reading Passage……Unit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenAppendix Key to Exercises




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   包括了水泥、玻璃、陶瓷三大方面,面广,不过深度不够。
  •   和专业相符合,很好
  •   纸张很新,除了外表有些灰。本来是POS机刷卡,但是卡被冻结了改交现金,是快递员帮刷卡?
  •   书还不错,是正版dev

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